Northeast high school third quarter honor roll

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Alan Roberts, Principal of Northeast High School, Arma, has released the Honor Roll for the third quarter of the 2007-08 school year.

Students on the third quarter Honor Roll are:

All A Honor Roll

Freshmen -- Austin Bogina, Amanda Cameron, Lina Coulter, McCarly Mason, Cole Scott, Joshua Tingley, and Heather Williams.

Sophomores -- Nicholas Popejoy, Makenzie Stansbury, and Chris Ward.

Juniors -- Andrea Ashbacher, and Morgan Stokes

Seniors -- Emily Kuhel, Tracey Lechliter, Rori Stephens, and Tiffany Webb

A and B Honor Roll

Freshmen -- Peyton Bartelli, Allyson Boles, Khristen Dwyer, Michael Holmgren, Chris Katzer, Dakota Kuhel, Grant Puckett, and Danielle West

Sophomores -- Whitney Brooks, Kari Cavin, Salette Schlee, and Brandi Wiley

Juniors -- Keanna Bartelli, Todd Brennon, Daniel Davied, Martin Hoffman, Andrew Moore, Kelsey Rivers, Jeremy Sullins, and Brandi Williams

Seniors -- Abby Bartelli, Derek Beam, Kevin Butler, Brooke Crystal, Jordan Doherty, Suprangwan Kulapruk, Jacob Price, and Nikki Shadden.