Nevada wrestlers awarded at post-season banquet

The Nevada Tiger wrestling team celebrated a successful 2007-2008 season during the post-season banquet held on April 1, at Nevada High School. Parents and wrestling fans attended the banquet which was opened with comments from Nevada High School Athletic Director, Kevin McKinley. Coach Kevin Huck and Assistant Coach Lewis Dunkeson presented the awards. Seniors Spenser Daniels and Ryan Herda shared the outstanding wrestler award, junior Trey Miller was named the most improved varsity wrestler and the Team Tiger awards were presented to seniors Jerrod Alexander and Mason Heard. Scotty Bough received an award as the outstanding junior-varsity wrestler, Austin Denning was named the outstanding freshman grappler and Alex Giunta was named the most improved junior-varsity wrestler.
Seniors Mason Heard, Ryan Herda and Spenser Daniels were each presented with the Missouri Wrestling Association All-State Academic award. To qualify for this award, wrestlers must place in the top six at the MSHSAA State Championships and maintain a 3.50 grade point average. A school-record of ten Nevada wrestlers qualified for the Class 2 state tournament this season while winning the district championship for the second year and finishing ninth in the final team standings at Columbia.