SEK of SEK to host Prevention Summit

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Safely Educating Kids of Southeast Kansas will be hosting a Prevention Summit from noon until 1 p.m. Friday in Room B1 of the Pittsburg Memorial Auditorium. Kansas Attorney General Stephen Six will be the guest of honor at the event hosted by SEK of SEK and sponsored by the Pittsburg Police Department, the Southeast Kansas Independent Living Center of Southeast Kansas and the Department of Psychology and Counseling at Pittsburg State University. Participants will include representatives of SKIL, the Children's Advocacy Center, USD 250, Crawford County Sheriff's Office, Pittsburg Police Department, PSU, Pittsburg Community Middle school, County and City Attorneys, DARE, the Attorney General's Office, Center for the Remediation of reading Difficulties, Women's Resource center, and Restorative Justice Authority.