
Order of the Eastern Star installs new officers

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Violet Chapter No. 200, Order of the Eastern Star, Fulton, opened in form on March 26th with 27 members present. Worthy Matron Karen Demm and Associate Patron G.C. Smith presided. Karen greeted everyone with a poem entitled, "Welcome the Spring Season".

Those introduced and welcomed with verses were Loree Mendenhall, Grand Martha of the Grand Chapter of Ks, Swan Chapter, LaCygne; Edith Peterson, Grand Teller, Sonny Peterson, Grand Guard and Worthy Patron, Charlotte Swaim, Grand Representative of Tennessee in Kansas and Worthy Matron, all of Olive Chapter, Fort Scott; Mary Beckford, Grand Representative of Massachusetts in Kan., Violet Chapter, Fulton; and Eugene Mendenhall, husband of Loree. The sideliners were also heartily welcomed with a verse.

The minutes and financial report were read and approved. Linda Ball, Associate Matron, thanked all of the members for furnishing the refreshments for the evening as well as the hostesses: Linda Mefford, Carolyn McGee and Sandra Snow. The committee for the April 9th meeting is Mary Ellen Harper, Helen Niemeir and Ruth Smith. Invitations were read from Parker Chapter, Nevada Chapter, and to a meeting in Girard for the past and present District Aides of District No. 4.

The following Installing Officers were introduced: Loree and Eugene Mendenhall, Worthy Matron and Patron; Charlotte Swaim, Marshal; Dian Combs, Organist; Sonny Peterson, Chaplain; Edith Peterson, Secretary; and Joann Adams, Warder. The 2008-09 officers elect were presented and introduced by Charlotte Swaim. Sonny Peterson opened with prayer at the Altar. Loree and Eugene Mendenhall separately installed Linda Ball and G.C. Smith as Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron. They were escorted to the East and saluted with Grand Honors. Other officers installed were: Delphine Parks, Associate Matron; Howard Snyder, Associate Patron; Karen Demm, Secretary; Helen Niemeir, Treasurer; Deanna Weir, Conductress; Mary Beckford, Associate Conductress; Lucile Snyder, Marshal; Eleanor Rogers, Organist; Ruth Smith, Adah; Carolyn McGee, Ruth; Elizabeth Taiclet, Esther; Sandra Snow, Martha; and Linda Mefford, Electa. Dian Combs played a wide variety of pleasing melodies during the ceremony.

Karen Demm was escorted to the Altar to sign the Bible for herself and Raymond Flanner as Past Matron and Past Patron. In honor of her year of service, she was presented with gifts and verses on "taking a break" and received gifts from the 2007-08 officers as well as a Past Matron's gift from the Chapter. Karen thanked everyone for their help and hard work during the past year.

The East was decorated in pale yellow and with flowers for each season based on the Scripture, "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1. Linda thanked her Installing Officers and presented them with gifts.

Chapter closed in form. Joann Adams and Carolyn McGee received the door prizes. Refreshments were enjoyed in the dining area at tables decorated for each of the four seasons.