Ambulance service contract up for review by city of Fort Scott

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Fort Scott, Kan. -- On Tuesday, Fort Scott City Commission members are expected to vote on a contract between the city and Mercy Health System of Kansas to provide ambulance services in Bourbon County.

The meeting will start at 6 p.m., Tuesday, in the City Commission Room inside City Hall, 1 E. Third St.

The contract was on the agenda for the March 18 commission meeting but wasn't voted on because city staff wanted to further review the contract.

Nevertheless, the contract is nothing new. It's a continuation of the existing agreement between the two entities. According to city documents, the city's staff recommends approval.

According to the contract, Mercy agrees to pay the fire department $1,500 per month to provide ambulance services. Additionally, for each ambulance run exceeding six per month, Mercy will agree to pay the fire department $75 per run.

The Fort Scott Fire Department at the Hawkins Public Safety Facility will serve as a substation from which Mercy EMS can provide care to residents. Mercy will provide one ambulance to the fire department for use in providing ambulance services that will be housed at the Hawkins building.

The fire department agrees to provide two trained EMS personnel to staff the ambulance at all times. Mercy will provide training "necessary to promote and maintain the skills of the EMS personnel" of the fire department during the life of the agreement, which will be for a term of one year.

Also, Mercy agrees to provide necessary equipment and supplies to keep the ambulance appropriately stocked at all times at no cost to the fire department.

Other items on the agenda for Tuesday's meeting include:

* Recommended approval of two certificates of appropriateness for the Nu Grille Restaurant and The Sutler of Fort Scott for work on their businesses. Both facilities are located in the Historic District and the work needs to be approved by the commission.

* Consideration of bids for cleaning supplies, paper products and office supplies for the city.