Goodluck 4-H
The March meeting of the Goodluck 4-H was held March 17 at 7 p.m. at the Bethel community building. Pres. Haley Melton called the meeting to order. Roll call was answered with spring break plans.
The members received blue ribbons earned at regional 4-H days in Iola for a novelty number presented in competition.
Reports included an e-mail thank you for the boxes of goodies mailed to Matt Crystal's, platoon in Iraq. Matt is a former Goodluck 4-H member.
The club made plans to participate in 4-H Sunday on March 30, at the Bethel Community Church. The club will serve soup and sandwiches at the church, following the 6 p.m. service. The club provided March Easter Lily decorations for the church.
The decision was also made to serve concessions at a noon auction on March 30 in Fort Scott as a money making project.
Ethan Herder gave a demonstration on how to make cupcakes.
Dekota Henderson demonstrated how to pass the gavel. Ethan won the traveling trophy. Dekota won the door prize.
Project leaders Kelly Crystal gave an illustrated talk on meat goats and Leanne Leatherman gave a demonstration on how to make a quillo. Shannon Henderson gave an illustrated talk on leather working.
The meeting was adjourned with the 4-H pledge.
Refreshments were served by Hibdon and Herders.