
Starlite F.C.E. news

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

On March 11, 2008, sixteen members of the Starlite F.C.E. joined a room of ladies in the Cavalry Crossing Dining Hall, where refreshments were served by the residents of Cavalry Crossing.

An interesting lesson, entitled "Kansans Move into Health", was presented by Barbara Stockebrand, County Extension Agent from Woodson County. Webster's dictionary defines health as the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; freedom from physical disease or pain; the general condition of the body. Living a healthy lifestyle means consuming a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods, maintaining a healthy weight, participating in daily physical activity and controlling many risk factors- such as tobacco use, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, obesity, diabetes mllitus, alcohol consumption, and stress. Many of these risk factors can be controlled through diet and activity. Ms. Stockebrand showed what portion of sizes of different foods were acceptable while explaining the "My Pyramid" program.

Following this lesson, the Starlite F.C.E. club met for a business meeting which was opened by President Sandy Rylander, leading in the flag salute and the club collect. Roll call was answering the question, "Did you enroll in Walk Kansas?" and by naming your favorite mentor. The January meeting did not have a business session following the lesson, "Getting Your Household in Order" led by Nancy Schuster of Anderson County. The Feb. meeting was postponed because of the ice storm. Today's meeting includes the March meeting. The Secretary's minutes were read and the Treasurer's report was given. Doris Ericson and Lois Williams gave the Council report. The Spring Social will be at 6 p.m. on April 10. It will be held at the Community Christian Church's Robinson Hall. Snacks will be furnished by Clarice Russel, Doris Ericson, Joan Isaac, Marge Stringer, and Jan Patterson. The District Area meeting will be held in Chanute on May 20. Reservations must be turned in to Doris Ericson by April 10. Sandra Haimerl announced special meetings celebrating Women's History Month will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Fort on March 29 and 30.

A letter of appreciation for a donation of $50 was read from the Fair Board. Marge Stringer moved that the club donate $50 to the fair to be used by the Fair Board as needed for the 2008 Fair. Doris Ericson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Clarice Russell moved to count volunteer hours from any work done for the schools. This is in addition to other types of volunteer work which is already counted. Betty Ruddick seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Betty Johnson presented the lesson, "Mentors Make a Difference." The meeting adjourned. There will not be a regular March meeting as previously scheduled. -Submitted by Betty Johnson