Bronson Eastern Star meeting
Bronson Chapter #65 Order of the Eastern Star met February 27,2008 at the Masonic Hall for a regular meeting with sixteen members present. Edna Marie Jackson was Worthy Matron and Louis Poolworthy Patron in the East.
Introductions were:
Julia Ann Rhoton: Special Page to Janice Olson, Grand Ruth.
Tom Johnson: Excellent High Priest
Iola Chapter #8 Royal Arch Masons. Invitations were read and a practice of conferring of degrees was done. It was voted on to help the lodge with supporting a student for the Shrine Marching Band Camp.
Bonita Holeman reported on Chuck Shelton's illness. Erma Eastwood reported on Dee Eastwood and Elvis Reeder reported on Geri Reeder and on Hazel Wolford.
The closing thought was from Glenn Smith and snacks and coffee were served by Julia Ann Rhoton and Elizabeth Lundberg after the meeting closed. Submitted by Edna Marie Jackson, Bronson.