
Church members enjoy annual appreciation breakfast

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Kan-Mo Jolly Circle Club met with Hazel Gulliford, Feb. 28. The Club opened with the pledge to the American Flag led by the president, Hazel Gulliford. The theme song "The More We Get Together" was sung. Seven members answered roll call with a "did you know". Mary Ellen Lundberg read and article on Easter facts. The club motto was repeated and the minutes and treasurers report were given. Jane Ann Peterson won the hostess gift and get well cards were signed for Eddie Brillhart and Bud Pettibon. The scripture Proverbs 12:1-9 was read by Esther Secrest and the hostess read "Cobwebs Stay Out of Sight". The March meeting will be with Opal Brillhart. The Lords Prayer was prayed. The winners at bingo were Iva Bley, Jane Ann Peterson, Mary Ellen Lundberg, Esther Secrest and Ruby Kennedy. Blackout was won by Esther Secrest. Refreshments were served.

Sue Gray was here visiting her mother, Edna Mae Marsh and other relatives. March 1, Edna Mae Marsh, Sue Gray, Hubert and JoAnn Thomas, Joe and Elizabeth Wright and sons; Miami, OK. attended the wedding of Edna Mae's great nephew, JB Gates in Joplin Mo. It was held at the Scottish Rite Temple. Edna Mae's granddaughter, Natalie Snyder and husband John served as Maid of Honor and Best Man. A dinner followed the ceremony. Sue Gray returned home to San Diego, Ca. March 3.

About fifty members of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Garland, enjoyed the annual appreciation breakfast given by Pastor Rick Womack and wife on March 2.

The special at the Diamond Community Church, March 2, was Pastor Stephan's sermon entitiled "Get Back To Your First Love"; which was the second of a series called "He Knows You". There will be a carrying dinner after the morning services, March 17. The church will furnish the meat and drinks.

A baby girl weighing 3lbs and 14oz. was born march 2nd at the Saint Lukes Hospital in Kansas City. Her parents are Josh and Jackie Lundberg. Congratulations!

Arnold and Austin Schofield were honored for their birthdays on March 2, when Ester Secrest hosted a dinner for the honorees. Others present were Clara Schofield, Carol Bingesser, Jon, Brittany, and Larry Lawrence.

Congratulations to Brittany Bingesser and the rest of the Fort Scott High School Basketball Team for their successful season. Teddy Koller was home over the weekend to visit his parents, Ted and Joan Koller. Teddy works at the hospital at Eldorado Springs, Mo.

The Thrift Circle Club met for lunch at Aunt Toadies, March 5. After lunch they met at the home of Beulah Queen for their regular meeting. The President, Esther Secrest, led the group in the salute to the American Flag. Five members answered roll call. Several members read news articles and the secretary's report was read and approved. A thank you letter was read from the Ronald McDonald House in Joplin. They have helped over 1500 families since they opened in 1998. "Guess Whats" were won by Beulah Queen and Esther Secrest. The April 2 meeting will be lunch at the Pizza Hut at 11:30, Anna Rourk will be the hostess. Bingo was played with winners Esther Secrest, Dorothy Ketner, Anna Rourk and Juanita Dominquez. Dorothy Ketner won the blackout.