Attendance down Monday night
The Senior Swingers Monday night dance was to perform as usual. The weather cooperated but with all the storms around and with the prediction of bad storms later in the evening, our count was very low. We had more announcements of sickness. The flu bug or whatever it is, is sure rough on us all.
We welcomed Marion Shrimplin back. Wanda, his wife, helps him bring in his equipment and sets it up for him. He is walking slow and has lost quite a bit of weight but sounded good and sang several songs.
A new guest of the evening, Margaret Friend, was given a hand of welcome. She seemed to enjoy the dancing and the line dance too. We had 10 on the floor doing the line dance.
There just isn't much we can say but we tried and hope the crowd will come back next week.
Don't forget the time change this weekend.
The Marmaton Valley Old Time Fiddlers, Pickers and Singers will meet at 1 p.m. next Sunday at the Senior Center on North Main. All are welcome.
There will be a dance at Cadmus Friday night,. Their count has fallen off, too. Just waiting for spring and better weather