- Fort Scott church gets ready to fete 40th anniversary (1/30/13)
- The fascinating history of the black-eyed pea; Norris moves (1/25/13)
- Children, grandchildren welcomed (1/16/13)
- The holidays bring news from far and wide to Arcadia (1/8/13)
- Christmas dinner held (1/2/13)
- Holiday and family gatherings abound in the Arcadia area during this special time (12/27/12)
- Shead family member helps with Sandy clean-up (12/19/12)
Popularity the subject of Sunday School lesson
Friday, February 1, 2008
Word was received in Arcadia that Galen Dunn, a missionary to the Philippian Islands with his wife Jody Dunn, is back in the USA and in a Minneapolis hospital due to a heart condition. They request prayer of all their interested friends.
Class No. 10 of the Arcadia Christian Church met on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 16 with six ladies present for their business meeting conducted by President Patty Peterson and devotions by hostess, Mary V. Shead. It was based on peace taken from John 14. The lesson was a warning to a daughter, if she ever slammed the door again, the father would remove her bedroom door.
The closing quotation was: "You can tell how popular a church is by who comes on Sunday morning. You can tell how popular the pastor is by who comes on Sunday night. You can tell how popular Jesus is by who comes to a prayer meeting."
The two flag salutes were led by the president. Thirteen cheer cards had been sent since the Christmas gathering. Each lady told of a cold winter day they recalled from childhood days to answer roll call.
Meeting was closed with the Irish Blessing and the Lord's Prayer. The blessing for the refreshments was voiced by Patty Peterson. Cherry cobbler served with whipped topping, nuts and coffee to the following ladies: Lilly Coonrod, Mae Watt, Carole Garrison, Betty Dehn and the above mentioned. The next meeting wil be Feb. 20, Lorene Gibson, hostess.
Jim and Judy Walters formerly of rural Garland now from Nebraska were overnight guests of her sister Vickie and Larry Shead on Jan. 20. The next day the couple traveled to Tulsa, Okla. to visit Judy's sister, Karen and Bruce Mow and the ladies' Mother, Shirley Applegarth. They were also introduced to their youngest great nephew, Cademon Ray, son of Mitzi and Joel Ray of Tulsa.
Flyers included in the Arcadia City News announced The Old Settlers Committee will be hosting a pancake breakfast from 9-11 a.m. on Feb. 9 in the Community Center for donations. Then from noon until 2 p.m., Bingo will be played at 50 cents per card. A blackout card at the end for $5. Volunteers are asked to call Amber at (620) 638-4288.
Blank forms are available in Arcadia City Hall for energy assistance for qualifying households. For more information, see city clerk during business hours.
The first Saturday, Feb. 2, will be the monthly Community Gospel Singing. Mark your calendars.
The last Sunday in January, Lou and Betty Dean took their lady friends, Mae Watt, Carole Garrison and Mary V. Shead to the new Chinese and English Food Buffet near Home Depot in Pittsburg for a fine dinner. Enroute back to Arcadia, part of the group attended the worship service held in Arma Care Center with their minister, David Peterson, conducting the service. Others visited their friends in the center. Mary V. Shead spent that hour talking over old times with her former classmate, Peachy Bedene.