Uniontown FFA remembers, helps its own

Thursday, January 31, 2008

UNIONTOWN -- When one of its former members is in need, the Uniontown FFA Chapter is there to answer the call.

The chapter plans to sponsor a chili and soup supper on Friday to benefit local resident Courtney Clayton and her family, who lost their home and all of their belongings to a devastating fire that occurred on Jan. 15. The event will take place from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Friday at West Bourbon Elementary School, 602 Fifth St.

Within the last couple of weeks, Clayton, who is also a recent Uniontown Junior Senior High School graduate, and her family have been trying to restore their lives after flames completely destroyed their two-story house at 1287 Jayhawk Road the morning of Jan. 15, UJSHS FFA advisor Kevin Gleason said. Clayton, 20, Vincent Woods, 18, and 6-month-old Kassen Woods were home when the fire erupted, but managed to escape the house without injury.

Gleason said when Clayton was asked how the chapter could be of assistance during these trying times for the family, she replied that financial assistance toward temporary housing is the most important need the family has right now. The family is currently living in an apartment temporarily until their lives start to get back in order, Gleason said.

"Our FFA members want to help her get back on her feet," Gleason said. "Our goal is to help her pay rent on an apartment until she is able to do something about rebuilding. She (Courtney) said they needed about $300 to $400 per month (for rent) until they get going again."

During the benefit event, the public will be able to enjoy a hot bowl of chili or vegetable beef soup prepared by cooks at the school, as well as choose from a variety of homemade desserts that will be available. All free will donations will benefit Clayton and her family. Organizers of the event plan to write a check after the benefit supper to help Clayton pay for rent on the family's apartment, Gleason said.

"People can donate money, or a cake or pie -- whatever they want," he said. "We appreciate anyone who wants to come."

Current FFA members will work at the event to serve food and refreshments. A concession stand is also expected to be available, Gleason said.

On Jan. 15, the fire that reduced Clayton's home to rubble apparently started in a wood stove in the basement. At the time, Bourbon County rural firefighters said they were unable to determine what caused the fire to spread from the stove. Officials were able to determine that the fire was an accident and not caused by foul play. No one was injured during the fire, and a specific dollar amount of damages has not been determined.

The Bourbon County Chapter of the American Red Cross provided temporary lodging for the family at a hotel for a couple of days as they searched for another place to live. Red Cross officials also provided food and beverages at the fire scene.