Families share quality time together during holidays
On Thursday, the week of Christmas, Greg and Carrie Fess and three children entertained their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dare and family of Hesston; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dare, Redfield, in their Arcadia home on Race Street.
That evening the Sheads including Mark, Michael and Maria, who attended Christian school together with the Dare Children at the time Vickie and Larry Shead were principal and teacher in Fort Scott, visited in the home. Haley and Katy Shead were also guests that evening.
Bill and Karen Watt, Independence, Mo., hosted Thanksgiving dinner for the following members of the Watt family: Bobby Miller, Jeff Miller and Jo Wages, Bob and Chris Miller, Tom L. Watt, Michael Watt and friend, Elena; J.R. Watt and friend, Shannon; James Watt, Abby and Robyn; Bruce and Nancy Watt and Chelsea; Delton Jr. and Billi Watt; Joseph Meave; Aaron and Jennie Edwards, A. J. and Hali; Tom and Phyllis Watt and Jennie; Austin and Tracey Siemens, Sydney and Trent, Also Jeff and Julie Ralston and Alex and from Arcadia, Mae Watt.
Class No. 10 met on Dec. 19 for their annual Christmas party in the Bungalow. Cards were signed by all for Bob and Ava Mae Adams, Herman Tyler, Roger Harris and Bob Prettyman. A thank-you was sent to Betty Baima for a gift to the church. President Patty Peterson and hostess Betty Dehn had the room decorated in keeping with the season.
Devotions were read from the Book of John. Betty read a scriptural version of "Twelve Days of Christmas."
To delight the ladies, Wanda Norris, upon request,, quoted her favorite poem, "Little Orphan Annie."
Pastor David Peterson dropped by to give a Christmas greeting to all the ladies including the above and Mary Lee Payne, Mae Watt, Carole Garrison, Lorene Gibson, Mary V. Shead.
In lieu of the usual gift exchange, this year each of the ladies gave a monetary gift for missions and in turn it was presented to Sunday school teachers Jace and Jesse Pavlik.
A buffet table was set for the refreshment time and all sat at the decorated table. Each received a snowman to be hung on trees at home, a gift from President Patty Peterson.
Jeff, Sherry and Courtney Sisney hosted the Christmas Eve dinner in their country home for the following guests: Sherry Sisney, Indianapolis, Ind.; Sherida Sisney, Shawnee; Mike and Nancy Sisney, Michael and Missy Sisney, Evan and Aydin, Girard; Helen and Brock Sisney, Greg, Theresa Sisney and Austin, Arcadia; and Susan Cherry with Phaedra and Logan, Olathe. Also Chris Payne and Mindy Davied of Arma.
Following the dinner hour, they had their gift exchange.
On Christmas Day at the noon hour, Lorene Gibson and Clay Carrington went to the home of David and Becky Lee in Fort Scott for a family carry-in dinner. Other guests were Ava and Jeanette Gibson, David Gibson, Fort Scott; Ruth Wilson with Valerie and Ian from Olathe; Vercie and Mike Keithly, Carrie and Bradley Keithly, Lamar, Mo.; and some close friends of the family.
On the last Sunday of December, Tom and Phyllis Watt were guests with his mother in the Arcadia Christian Church. At the time of giving for missions, offerings into the little white church bank, Mae gave in honor of Allen and Linda Watt's 11th wedding anniversary and Lorene Gibson gave for birthdays honoring Ruth Wilson, Vercie Keithly, J.D. and Rhonda Plotner.
The Watts enjoyed dinner that Sunday noon at the Rockin' K restaurant and shared Christmas gifts with Mae before returning to their home that Sunday evening. Tom Watt included a visit with Bob and Ava Mae Adams that day.
Louise Easter Bean, 83, Parsons, died in her home Dec. 24. Her parents were George and Chloey Smith Easter. She graduated from Arcadia High School in 1942. In 1943, she married Milo Bean. Funeral was Thursday, Dec. 27, 2007, in the Parsons Church of Nazarene. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery. Our condolences to her faimly.
The Gospel Community Sing was held in spite of cold, miserable weather. The future ones will be held the first Saturday of each month, so look forward to Jan. 5, 2008, from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. This is a community sponsored non denominational event.