Memories spring eternal ...
Two of the five young men arrested on a charge of hunting on Sunday entered pleas of guilty in Justice Volker's court today and were fined $5 each. The cases against three small boys were dismissed as the elders agreed to pay the costs accruing in the arrests. The men will perhaps profit from this experience and discontinue Sunday shooting. They asked to have their names kept from the papers.
Major Dix is going to have a celebration all of his own the eighth of this month. Thirty years ago the eighth of January the major commenced work for the Frisco. He has been located here as agent for 26 years. Of that time.
Jack Swisher, son of J.W. Swisher, has taken a temporary position at the Blatchley Home Bakery.
The fire department made three runs yesterday and this morning, but in no instance was there any serious damage. The first call of the new year was to a blaze that occurred at the home of Mrs. Mary Wilcox at 1214 Elm Street. A spark in the roof did about $5 in damage. The property is owned by Herman Wogan. At 7:30 this morning Zack Hart discovered a blaze in his car at a most convenient place in front of the fire department building. The fire started from a short in the horn wiring. The damage was very small. Also this morning the department was called to the home of C. Fleming, colored, at 1719 East Pine Street. A spark on the roof did $10 damage. There was no insurance.
Miss Blanche McElvain has resumed her duties as a teacher in the city schools in Kansas City. She spent the holidays in Fort Scott with her father, Dan McElvain of Wall Street, and other relatives.
Mrs. J.W. Maycumber, 743 South Judson, was pleasantly surprised New Year's Day when her son Pfc. Larry Maycumber called from his base near Frankfort, Germany, and she and Mr. Maycumber and Johnny talked with him and his wife Erma. Mr. Maycumber had arranged with Larry to make the call.
Foodtown specials: Cut-up pack fryers, average 2-lb. pkg., 69 cents; Velveeta Cheese, 2 lb. box, 79 cents; 50 lb. bag white potatoes, $1.29; Ruby red grapefruit, 10 for only 49 cents; Jonathan apples, 5 lbs., 49 cents; Crisco Shortening, 3 lb. can, 89 cents; Gerber strained baby food, 3 cans, 27 cents; Armor Star Bacon, lb., 53 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bruce, 600 Sunset Drive, will be aboard the Matson Lines luxury liner, Matsonia, sailing Jan. 4 from the Los Angeles harbor for Hawaii.
Wesley Moudy saw Oklahoma State defeat Kansas 52-50 in a non-conference basketball game at Lawrence last night. It was the first defeat for the Jayhawkers after 10 straight victories.
Christmas caroling at the nursing homes preceded the meeting of Northwest Scott 4-H Club conducted by Andy Carson. Participating in the program were Melanie West, Kristine Guilfoyle, David Renard, Mike Barker and Bruce Swank.
Returning to The Tribune after an absence of abut 12 months, John Beal has been named news editor. Beal worked at The Tribune from 1968-70. His wife Linda and two-year-old daughter will join him soon.
Delbert Schilling, Fort Scott veteran Kiwanis leader, has been elected to the Advisory Committee of the Kansas Kiwanis Foundation.
Photo caption: "Kenneth Jefferson, a member of the U-234 custodial staff, sweeps the steps and sidewalk at the Fort Scott Junior High School."--Photo by Tom Braker