Southeast Kansas Inc. annual meeting Jan. 23 in Fort Scott
A special celebration of Southeast Kansas and several communities in the region, sponsored by the Cherokee-based regional development organization, Southeast Kansas, Inc., is scheduled to take place next month in Fort Scott, agency officials said Monday.
SEK Inc. will conduct its annual meeting, with the theme, "To the Stars through Difficulties," starting at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2008, at the Liberty Theatre, 113 S. Main St. The purpose of the meeting is to celebrate efforts by many regional communities, including Fort Scott, to rebuild after suffering major disasters in recent years, according to a written statement from SEK, Inc. Executive Director Kathy Swezey.
"It will be a celebration of Southeast Kansas and the communities that have suffered disasters over the past seven years and have bounced back or are in the process of planning and rebuilding," Swezey said in the statement. "We want to celebrate the resiliency of our communities and the people who live here and make great things happen."
The event will include the presentation of special recognition awards to those communities that have submitted pictorial displays illustrating what the community has been through and what direction they are headed in the future. Participating communities include Fort Scott, Franklin, Coffeyville, Parsons, Fredonia, Chanute and Independence.
A reception will begin at 5 p.m., followed by a dinner with keynote speaker Terry Woodbury, the president of Kansas Communities LLC, an organization aimed at revitalizing smaller towns across the state through economic development. In 2005, after a devastating fire ripped through much of downtown Fort Scott in the spring, Woodbury led an initiative to revitalize the town. His efforts led to the formation of five action teams that were each charged with developing a particular goal for the community revitalization project.
Those five goals include: outside-in economic development, youth activities, an aqua vision committee, neighborhood revitalization, and a Develop the Marmaton River as an Asset committee. Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and the Kansas Legislature passed the Fort Scott/Bourbon County Riverfront Authority Bill in April of this year. The aim of the Riverfront project is to transform the Marmaton River and surrounding area on the north edge of Fort Scott into a flourishing wildlife and recreational park.
Woodbury is also well known for his work with various rural Southeast Kansas communities needing assistance in redevelopment. He is currently working with the towns of Greensburg, which was wiped off the map by a massive tornado in May; Coffeyville, which was struck by severe flooding in June and July; and Fort Scott.
"Terry understands and can relate to communities and their people who are trying to recover from major disasters," Swezey said in the statement.
Swezey said she has been touring Southeast Kansas recently, including a stop in Fort Scott, to speak with and inform area businesses about the SEK, Inc. organization, a diverse group of business leaders within a 13-county region. The organization recruited six area businesses during the successful tour, Swezey said.
"We're trying to help communities toward positive thinking and help each other out," she said.
Anne Emerson, a member of the SEK, Inc. board of directors, agreed with Swezey, adding that all communities within the region should work together toward a common goal; improved economic development.
"We want to make sure that what we think is good for the region is good for each one of us," she said. "We need to see what works and what doesn't work and learn from that."
Swezey said SEK, Inc. works to address economic development problems facing communities, and helps to develop solutions to those problems. Businesses who join SEK, Inc. will have a variety of networking opportunities at their disposal, Swezey said.
The organization also sponsors the Southeast Kansas Day on the Hill, a legislative lobbying event that takes place each year in Topeka. That event, which is also attended by community members, Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce members, SEK, Inc. representatives, and various city officials, provides an opportunity for business leaders to voice their concerns about business and the economy to the Kansas Legislature, and also to hear current, updated information from lawmakers.
SEK, Inc. officials are currently planning that event, which will take place sometime in February.
The cost to attend the Jan. 23 dinner, which will also feature musical entertainment from local residents Steve and Pat Harry, is $25 for SEK, Inc. members and $35 for non-members.