USD 235 board reschedules meeting cancelled for Monday

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

UNIONTOWN -- Due to the fact that USD 234 and USD 235 were closed on Monday because of inclement weather, the USD 235 Board of Education did not conduct their regular meeting, and district officials have rescheduled the meeting for 7:30 p.m. Friday in the Uniontown Junior Senior High School commons area, 601 Fifth St.

The board plans to conduct the following business on Friday:

* Review and approve minutes of the November board meeting.

* Consider approval of the November treasurer's report.

* Consider approval of a board policy change that concerns student compulsory attendance.

* Consider approval of revisions in the West Bourbon Elementary School bullying policy.

* Consider approval of the School Reach Calling Plan, a telephone system that will send messages to everyone in the district to notify them of the cancellation of school when bad weather or other emergency situations occur in the district.

* Consider hiring Chris Woods as head boys baseball coach, and Dustin Miller as assistant boys baseball coach.

* Consider approval of a board policy that deals with the fiscal management of federal grants.

The meeting agenda also includes administrative reports by WBE Principal Marianna Daugherty, UJSHS Principal Tracy Smith, and USD 235 Superintendent Randy Rockhold; and two executive sessions to discuss negotiations and personnel matters.