
Regulars welcome returning natives

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

It was a nice evening and we had a good attendance at the Senior Swingers Monday Night dance at Buck Run Community Center.

New guests for the evening were Bob and Raylene Dennis from the Sacremento, Calif. area. They grew up here and just moved back recently. Originally from Mapleton, they were guests of Varrella and Shirley  Forgey. Bob and Raylene were introduced and given a hand of welcome, and we hope they will come back again. 

A get well card was signed for Harold Shumaker from El Dorado Springs, Mo.,  who was injured this past week. It was reported a tree fell on his leg and broke bones. 

There were 17 dancing in the line dance again tonight. 

Max and Pauline Davidson are back again. They danced some. Their report was good.  

Jeff Corbin, a friend of Wes Coleman, sang a couple songs tonight. He is from the Butler area and has been here before.  We are glad to have him anytime. He was given a hand of welcome. 

There were two birthdays  celebrated this week. Sylvia Shepherd celebrated her birthday last Thursday, and Albert Eshelbrenner will celebrate his 88th birthday this next Saturday.

 After break time, Norman Gates came to the stage and played several numbers on his harmonica. We usually have Lucille Schumaker play her big harmonica after break time, but she wasn't  present Monday night. 

There were 17 dancing the Line Dance, and it is a fun thing to watch. 

There will be a dance at Cadmus Friday night, and Marmaton Valley Fiddlers, Pickers and Singers will be at the Senior Center on north Main Street Sunday afternoon. They will start at 1 p.m. but will jam at 12:30.  Everyone is welcome to come and take part or listen to the music.