Thursday chili feed to benefit officer’s family

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A chili benefit dinner for a Fort Scott Police Officer’s family will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday at Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave.

Tickets for the dinner cost $5, with children age 5 or under free. Tickets can be purchased at Country Cupboard,12 N. Main St., or First Assembly of God,124 E. National Ave. Also, tickets can be purchased through Cpl. Mike Trim, who is coordinating the event, by calling (620) 215-5288. Also, tickets can be purchased at the door.

Proceeds of the chili dinner will go to the family of FSPD Cpl. Blaine Cornelius, whose wife, Sara, recently gave birth to a son 14 weeks premature. The baby, Klayton, was in intensive care at a Joplin, Mo., hospital. He was 1 1/2 pounds when born.

Klayton recently was released from the hospital and is home, said Trim, who is coordinating the event.

Cornelius’ wife is staying at a Ronald McDonald house in Joplin so she can be close to the hospital.

Trim said they’re hoping to sell 300 tickets, with all the proceeds going to the family.

Fort Scott Police and Fire Departments along with First Assembly of God are sponsoring the dinner.

The dinner will include chili, a dessert and drink.