Members of United Methodists recalls fun fall memories
Monday, October 22, 2007
A community meeting was held at the Paint Creek church, near Redfield Oct. 13. A delicious soup and dessert supper was enjoyed along with an evening of visiting and catching up with friends. Those attending were Pastor Chub and Helen Boiling and her mother, Newella Clark, Bronson. Charles and Barbara Dare, Leo and Natalie Comstock, Dewaine and Beverly Geiger, Alfred and Marita Tanner and Brittany, Lucille and Loren Ward, Donald and Carrie Elbrader, Rev. Charles Cable and Willa, and Kenneth and Lavon Middleton.
Leo and Natalie Comstock visited Alfred and Anna Main Stimetz, over the weekend. The ladies were grade school friends many years ago when they attended District 40, and have remained strong friends over the many years.
The United Methodists met Oct. 10 in the Fellowship Hall of the church. The meeting was called to order by the President, Pat McClenahan, and the opening prayer was given by Norma Dunn. All read the purposes in unison. The president thanked all for their efforts in making the Rosa Draper Memorial Dinner the beautiful success that it was. Roll call was answered by seven members telling of their most fun fall memory. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, and the treasurer’s report was given.
The date of Oct. 28 was set for the open house celebrating the new kitchen in the church. UMW Ladies are asked to bring cookies for refreshments. A report on the Bishop’s Roundup was given. Coats, good clothing, canned food, dry food, are collected and taken to the Beacon in Fort Scott for those in need of help.
The collection will be counted and packed on the next UMW meeting on Nov. 14.
Election of Officers was conducted as follows: President, Janice Ramey, Vice-Pres., Pauline Hartman, Secretary, Beverly Geiger, and Treasurer, Margaret Hartman.
All District Offices were reviewed and will remain the same.
The ladies planned the Oct. 15, Ruritan dinner. Lavon Middleton, Norma Dunn, and Pauline Hartman are to be in charge.
The lesson was brought by Carol George, who took her topic from the Program resource Book, and spoke on, “Our Time For Missionsâ€, a focus on missions in the world...
The President gave closing devotions, and then conductd a drawing for the door prize which was won by Janice Ramsey.
Carol George served refreshments of nut bread, whipped topping and coffee.At the beginning of the meeting.
The Uniontown FFA Boys are canvassing the community with the sale of fruit and other holiday food items. Delivery will be early in December for Christmas enjoyment.
The Geiger family all were home on the first weekend of October for the twenty-second annual hay rack ride and wiener roast held in a wooded area on the Marmaton River south west of town. The first event was to celebrate the birthdays of Justin Geiger and Nathan Brown, who were 4 and 5 years old, and has now become a tradition. There were 33 family members enjoying the day.
Several were overnight guests at the farm on Friday night. Dewaine and Beverly Geiger were in Pittsburg on business on October 10. They were met for lunch at the Mall Deli by Pat Ramsey and Lori Ramsey and Kendall of Joplin.
Reminder: Daylight Savings Time ends on Oct. 28. We fall back one hour.