
Fort Scott Nile Club meets

Monday, October 8, 2007

The Fort Scott Nile Club met Monday Sept. 17,2007 at the home of Berniece Buell with Rosie Ewald as co-hostess.

Bemita Hill President opened the meeting with the flag salute.

Jeannie Seal Chaplin gave the devotions Luke 9 verses 57-62 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 19.

The Temple Report given by Clara Schwartz. Sewing report by Jackie Warren. Jackie reported that the luncheon made $50. She also reported on things that she and her husband took to the Shreveport Children's Hospital

Leah Lewis became a member.

Janet Comstock reported on the quilt that she and Bernita Hill made and donated to the Hospital Dads. Proceeds from the tickets will help the Hospital Dads with expenses transporting the kids back and forth to the hospital.

Each member told something about their life and showed a baby picture if they brought one.

The meeting closed with these thoughts by Jeannine: "The Ten Commandments aren't multiple choice" and "Don't let your worries get you down; remember Moses started out in a basket."

The October meeting will be at the home of Jackie Warren. Guest speaker will be Rep. Shirley Palmer.

-- Submitted by

Mary Ellen Lundberg