Uplifting messages, events abound
Our local radio station has a feature called, "Bright Spot." It features the pastor from the Presbyterian Church -- in this case Steve MacArthur -- and it is a short, uplifting message that all of us can use.
Recently, another bright spot has appeared in this community; The Southeast Kansas Retired Senior and Volunteer Program, headed by Marlene Arndt, has assembled a group of volunteers to greet children at the elementary schools here in Fort Scott twice a month. The volunteers, some retired and some still working, stand at the entrances of the school, and their job is to welcome the students with a smile and encouraging word as they arrive for another school day.
An old-timer like me has seen a lot of things change over the years, including the fact that everyone now has a backpack. What hasn't changed is watching the bright faces of the children as they come up the walk to their school that holds so much hope and promise. Some of the younger ones are accompanied by parents. As you watch the interaction between the staff and faculty with the students, you can't help but be encouraged about the future.
The second part of this volunteer service is that the bright spot extends back to the volunteers who have given a period of time each month. I believe if you asked them, they would probably tell you that they are getting as much out of this experience as the students. Those bright spots can be a friendly greeting, holding the door, or just being a part of the excitement as students arrive. Judging from smiles and greetings from the senior volunteers, as Steve would say, "We have got another bright spot in this community."