FSHS Orchestra to perform at KMEA Convention
Local students in the Fort Scott High School Orchestra will receive a rare opportunity in February.
The Fort Scott High School String Orchestra recently received word of an invitation extended to them to perform during the Feb. 29, 2008, Kansas Music Educators Association (KMEA) convention program. The scheduled performance will be at 11:30 a.m. that Friday, FSHS Orchestra teacher Jane Williams said.
According to Williams, the KMEA assembles every February for in-service training and professional development meetings. At this three-day event, leaders in the music industry and teaching field offer advice on curriculum, teaching techniques, music performance, student motivation and new technology. During this convention, school groups throughout the state perform for those attending the event. Invitations to perform at this event are not easily obtainable, Williams said.
"These performing school groups must submit an audition tape in the spring that is screened by a state listening committee. Invitations for the February convention concert appearances are issued from this audition process," she said.
Williams said only two high school orchestras statewide are invited to perform at the convention.
Williams who has conducted the FSHS orchestra for more than 20 years, said that she is excited about the opportunity that her students will have.
"We are thrilled for the opportunity to perform in the 2,200-seat Concert Hall at Century II. The auditorium has 'state of the art' acoustics and is home to the Wichita Symphony Concert Series and Summer Music Theater," she said.
Williams said that she is in the process of selecting the convention concert program. A preview concert will be performed in Fort Scott on Feb. 14, 2008, she said.
The FSHS Orchestra is currently preparing for their upcoming fall concert, which will be conducted at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 9, in the Fort Scott Middle School Commons, 1105 E. 12th. Students in grades six through 12 will be performing at the fall concert, Williams said. According to Williams, the select FSHS orchestra will also perform. Featured soloists at the event will include senior violist Catherine Sercer and sophomore violinist Charlie Sercer.
According to former USD 234 Superintendent Fred Campbell, the success of the FSHS orchestra program should be largely attributed to Wiliams.
"Orchestra is not easy to teach, and it is not easy to motivate the students sometimes. Jane's love for her students and dedication to teaching has made the program successful," he said.
Campbell said that the honor Williams and her students have achieved is one of the greatest honors they could achieve.
"They have arrived at the mountain top," he said.