St. John's United Methodist Women to conduct Bazaar of Christian Talents

Friday, October 5, 2007

St. John's United Methodist Church, Third and Little streets, will be holding their Annual Bazaar of Christian Talents on Saturday, Oct. 7, beginning at 8 a.m.

This is the 30th year that the bazaar has been conducted by the United Methodist Women's group at the church. The UMW group conducts this event yearly in order to raise funds for their many mission projects locally, in the United States and in foreign countries.

Many varieties of baked goods, including all kinds of cookies, candies, breads, pies and cakes will be featured at the event.

These treats can be purchased and frozen for the upcoming holidays, which allows UMW to do the holiday baking for anyone who chooses to purchase the baked goods.

Also featured at the bazaar will be white elephant gifts available for purchase.

Finally, the annual bazaar will include Rada stainless steel knives, which come with a lifetime guarantee.

The women's group sells these knives year-round. The knives make wonderful gifts for all occasions, especially weddings and Christmas.