USD 234 enrollment has grown by 28 students

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The USD 234 school district shows a 28-student increase in enrollment from last year's count.

USD 234 Superintendent Rick Werling relayed a growth in student enrollment for the 2007-08 school year, during the school board's monthly meeting on Monday. Werling said he is excited about the increase in enrollment numbers this year. The head count, which was taken on Sept 20, revealed the growth, Werling said. While Werling was uncertain as to the cause of the increase, he said that he hopes it continues.

"I hope it's the beginning of a new trend," he said.

Fort Scott High School band director James Fox presented a Power Point presentation that illustrated the growth of the FSHS band from the time Fox began instructing the band to the present. Fox shared recollections of past band trips in which his students have taken part. Also, Fox discussed the next band trip that will occur sometime in 2008.

Eugene Ware Elementary Principal Billie Jo Drake updated the board on the Eat, Exercise, Excel grant that has been awarded to Eugene Ware Elementary. The EEE program was implemented in the fall of 2006.

According to the Kansas Department of Education Nutrition Services, the program entails having students eat lunch and take part in physical activity in their classrooms. The students also take multi-vitamins and have water bottles in the classroom.

According to Werling, the school has received a new $29,000 grant for a three-year program. When the initial grant was put into use, not all grades were able to part in the program. This new grant will allow Eugene Ware to expand the program to all grade levels at Eugene Ware, Werling said.

Other items were discussed by the board on Monday.

* FSHS orchestra teacher Jean Williams announced that the orchestra has been invited to perform at the 2008 Kansas Music Educators Association Inservice Workshop in Wichita.

* USD 234 Special Education Coordinator Pennie Province discussed the level of determination for the district's special education programs and services.

* Werling updated the board on the progress of the Fort Scott Head Start grant application, which could enable Head Start to occupy a room in the annex of the former middle school building. Currently, Werling said, the school district has not received any notification about grant approval.

* The board approved the final payment to Saterlee Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning for the Winfield Scott HVAC upgrade.

* The board approved payments to Mid-America Roofing, Inc., for the work done at FSHS and Winfield Scott Elementary school.

* USD 234 Business Manager Alan Drake discussed ways to provide the capital financing needed to provide funding for several upcoming projects.

* Drake examined a proposal to upgrade the watering system and field surface at Ellis Park soccer field.

* Drake discussed with the board several projects that had been completed during the summer.

* The board approved the employment of Jim Barrows as a high school assistant softball coach.

* The transfer of Laurie Uhler from a Fort Scott Middle School paraeducator to a gifted paraeducator was approved by the board.

* The board granted an adjustment in Julie Mewhinney's daily hours from six and a half hours to seven and a half hours per day. Mewhinney is a cook at Eugene Ware Elementary.

* The board approved the hiring of Brian Allen to fill the FSHS Auto Technology teacher aide position vacated by Floyd "Xan" Gibson.

* The board adjourned with no further action.