Margrave church offers marriage seminar

Friday, September 28, 2007

Married couples who want to strengthen their spiritual bond are encouraged to attend a three-day seminar at the Margrave Church of Christ.

The free seminar, called "The Lord of the Rings: Marriage as God Designed It," takes place from Oct. 5-7 at the church, 1900 S. Margrave St. No pre-registration is required, just show up at the church.

The Rev. Mark Broyles, pastor at Nashua Church, a non-denominational church in Kansas City, Mo., is conducting the retreat. Broyles has been conducting marriage retreats for the past eight years.

"Really, this is marriage enrichment," Broyles said in a phone interview. "It's to take the marriage to a higher level, spiritually."

The seminar covers communication skills, conflict resolution, concepts of marriage with God, among other topics, Broyles said.

Here's the following schedule: At 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 5 there will be a classroom-style discussion titled "finding God in your marriage." At 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 6, there will be talks called "What does she want from me anyway, and what does he need now?" From 1:10 to 2:10 p.m. there will be discussions focusing on conflict resolution and "affair-proofing" the marriage. Starting at 9 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 7, topics will include "what every marriage requires, the marriage covenant, and what every marriage needs." Broyles said the Sunday sessions will be more sermon-oriented as opposed to the Friday and Saturday sessions.

Broyles said the seminar is not geared toward troubled marriages, although a couple experiencing troubles are more than welcome.

The training is for healthy marriages in which couples want to further strengthen their bond via a more fulfilling relationship with God.

It's open to couples who've been married for decades or a few months, Broyles said.

For more information or directions to the church, contact the Rev. Joe Griffin at (620) 768-0526.