Patrons promote Bourbon County United Way campaign

Saturday, September 22, 2007
On behalf of the Ministerial Alliance, the Rev. Art Schumacher, pastor of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, presents United Way of Bourbon County Chairman of the Board Dave Elliot with the first 2007 United Way Campaign donation. Schumacher is also a member of the American Red Cross. Photo by Rayma Silvers

Fort Scott, Kan. -- Guests were welcomed to the United Way fundraising campaign kick-off breakfast by United Way of Bourbon County Chairman of the Board Dave Elliot Thursday morning at the Fort Scott Community College Cafe-teria.

As guests entered the FSCC cafeteria, they were greeted by United Way of executive secretary Whendi Embry-Martin, who met each guest with a smile and invited them to enjoy various breakfast items provided by Great Western Dining Service Inc.

After most guests were seated, Elliot issued a greeting and acknowledged the exhaustive work that Embry-Martin has shouldered since her duties of executive secretary commenced earlier this year. Embry-Martin succeeded Patty Gorman as executive secretary for the United Way of Bourbon County. Gorman, who received flowers and a small gift at the breakfast in appreciation for her years of service, had maintained the position for more than 20 years.

The breakfast guests were entertained by vocalist Amanda Johnson, who performed an inspiring song titled "The moving of the Mountains." After Johnson's solo, members of the Bourbon County 4-H clubs presented the colors and led the audience in the "Pledge of Allegiance." United Way of Bourbon County Vice President Jamie Armstrong presented an overview of the agencies that the United Way supports. Her summaries of each charity enlightened those present as to the importance of the those agencies.

United Way of Bourbon County 2007 Drive Chairman Steve MacArthur delivered a motivational address to the crowd. In his speech, he informed the audience of the progression of the United Way since its inspirational beginning in 1887.

MacArthur outlined the partnership, which was created in 1973, that the United Way of America has with the National Football League. In 1974, the two organizations began producing public service ads.

Audience members reminded of the mission of the United Way, "To improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities," MacArthur said.

According to MacArthur, the United Way provided funding to agencies, opening doors for them to assist people in need. Some of the needs met with funds donated to the United Way include the American Red Cross, which has assisted several area families whose houses were destroyed by fire. Another beneficiary agency, Kansas Legal Services, was able to represent 100 individuals in need of legal aid, and the Ministerial Alliance, with funding help from the United Way, was able to provide for many transients. MacArthur listed several other agencies who had benefited from the United Way of Bourbon County's financial support.

MacArthur ended his inspirational account of the United Way's progression by informing the audience of the 2007 United Way theme.

"Together we matter," he said.