Every Blu-Jay medals at Prairie View
Friday, September 21, 2007
LaCYGNE -- Every Pleasanton athlete who entered earned a medal at Prairie View's Darryl Ramsey Invitational here Thursday.
Travis Bradley finished 21st in the five-kilometer varsity boys' race with a time of 20:12. Kelly Wadel won the 5K boys' junior varsity race in 20:58 with teammates Dennis Moore finishing 10th in 22:43 and Cole Nickell 15th in 23:43.
Rance Schoenhals placed fourth in the freshmen boys 4K race in 19:21 and Andrew Johnson was seventh in 37:34.
Rachel Richmond was eighth in the JV girls 4K race in 21:49 while Cheyanne Reynolds placed 13th in 24:28.