Memories spring eternal ...
Frank Waddle, a Timber Hill Township farmer, had an experience with a monster American Eagle the other day. The bird swooped down upon Mr. Waddle's barn yard and caught an old hen in the grasp of its talons. The farmer sent to the house for his shotgun and upon arming himself with the fowling piece, walked in the direction of the national bird which still held a close grasp on the hen and refused to be frightened away. The bird turned on Mr. Waddle when he was within three feet of it and showed signs of fight. Mr. Waddle had walked almost within touching distance of the bird and was so close that he did not discharge the weapon. Seizing a billet of wood he dealt the eagle a blow over the head that forever silenced it. Mr. Weddle had rather expected a fierce fight from the great American bird and for that reason he took the precaution to send for the shotgun.
There were many elements of interest at the banquet and organizational meeting of the Bourbon County Rural Postal Employees held at Redfield. One feature was the presentation of a handsome chain to G.H. Bolinger, retired carrier of Redfield, by J.W. Moore, retired carrier at Uniontown, on behalf of the Bourbon County Rural Carriers. Appealing music on the violin by Mrs. Russell Davee, and with Mrs. C.M. Draper and Tom Davee at the piano, was played while the guests were being seated. G.R. Hughes, Fort Scott, was the genial speaker. C.M. Draper, Redfield postmaster, gave a timely talk, as did also J.O. Davee, Redfield rural letter carrier. Fred Snyder, Mound City, gave the history of the postal system. The County Service Council was organized with the following to serve as officers: E.A. Brown, Fort Scott; B.C. Greenfield, Garland; Mrs. C.M. Draper, Redfield; and J.C. Hunsicker, Fort Scott.
Harvey Shane, Fort Scott stock car driver, made a clean sweep of the racing meet at the Miami County Speedway at Osawatomie last night winning the modified trophy dash, the modified fast heat and the modified feature. He was driving car No. 66 owned by Glen Sopnite of Nosh Falls.
Art's Market in Belltown has watermelons for 3 cents a pound.
Mrs. Tom Givens, 1115 South Judson, motoring home from Kansas City last evening, encountered a heavy rain on US-69 as far south as Pleasanton. It rained so hard at times she was compelled to turn on her car lights.
Tom O'Bryan is interested in racing bicycles. And at 6 feet, 2 inches, and maybe 140 pounds in shorts and racing cleats, he is built like a racer. And he is only 13 years old. In May, O'Bryan, son of Mike and Susan O'Bryan, rural Hepler, was the youngest rider to complete the 504-mile route of Biking Across Kansas, a yearly recreational event organized by Larry and Norma Christy of Wichita.
Photo caption: "One thousand, four hundred pounds on the hoof followed tiny Jennifer Seested around the sale pen during the Bourbon County youth livestock sale. Jennifer's steer, the fair's top blue winner, brought a total price of $1,330 from Security State Bank"
Photo caption: "Kristen Bennett of the Southeast Scott 4-H Club reacts with a smile as her lamb is named Grand Champion 4-H market lamb at the Bourbon County Fair. A Holstein cow shown by Mark Davis of the Hiattville 4-H Club is grand champion. A market hog owned by Louella Howard of the Pawnee 4-H Club is grand champion." -- Photos by Tom Braker