Memories spring eternal ...
Oversleep--eh? A sure cure is furnished by the jeweler, Vern Q. Powell. Listen to what he says and you won't be late for work! "We are not giving anything away this week--neither have we a profit-sacrificing sale--but we are selling a $1 alarm clock that will keep as good time as a $50 watch. Guaranteed. Get one before they are all gone."--Verne Q. Powell, 7 South Main Street. Phone 441
Notice: For rent on September 1, the Byron Boarding House, 210 South Main Street; 11 rooms, bath and halls. Or will rent for residence purpose. -- J.H. Crain
Pete Baker, El Dorado, new owner of the Hotel Goodlander, was here today.
Bernard Maguire, formerly of Calhoun's, has taken a position at the post office.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Gunn today entertained United Sates Senator Chester I. Long of Medicine Lodge. The senator lectured at the Chautauqua this afternoon.
Photo caption: "The peculiar looking gun which Sheriff Harry Hyle is holding in his hand in the picture here is the Luger automatic pistol which witnesses say was used by Harvey Bailey in the robbery of the Citizens National Bank June 17. The drum is at the bottom of the gun is a special cartridge container holding 32 bullets, fed up into the regular cartridge clip in the gun's grip by a powerful spring. The clip itself holds 12 bullets. The barrel on the pistol is about 10 inches. Pictured with Sheriff Hyle are officers who have been working on the robbery case and who have been guarding the county jail day and night the past two weeks: Frank Bailey, Kansas City, special agent for the Frisco railroad; Undersheriff Clarence Bulla; Max Biggs, special agent for the Frisco; Special Officer George Bainum; and County Attorney Frank O'Brien."
The wire fence will be gone from in front of Fort Scott Junior High School when the new school year opens and will reappear atop the rear of the stadium at Frary Field junior college-high school football field. The board of education approved removal of the fence. It was erected when the school housed both junior high years and the Central elementary school. Board members and school officials felt that with the older and smaller student body now, the pupils would no longer need to use the front of the school grounds on South National Avenue (US Hwy 69) as play space. The fence will be placed along the top of the stadium, both as an added safety measure and to halt a growing tendency of younger game visitors to drop or toss items, and some times even bottles, from the top of the stadium.
Photo caption: "With one game left in the season, Mayco Ace Hardware has already wrapped up first place in the minor League with 8-0 record. Team members include Bryan Adams, Chris Maycumber, Brian Grove, John Van Sickle, Travis Campbell, Troy Gage, Craig Sharp, Tim Bradbury, Mike Bloomfield, Kevin Woods, Jonathan Hilton and Matt Quick. Coaches are John Maycumber and Marvin Woods."--Photo by Dave Wagner
Hume Area News (By Bessie Carlton)--Mrs. Ted Koontz was assisted by her husband in entertaining members of the Hume Garden Club. Breakfaset was served on the lawn of the Koontz home.
Pam Gilliland of the Hiattville 4-H Club proved Wednesday in the Bourbon County Fair that she is an proficient with livestock as in the kitchen. Her International Foods bread entry won the grand champion yeast bread honors and her crossbreed steer was named grand champion market steer.