Memories spring eternal ...
Dance! Dance! Refreshments free at the dance in Union Hall Friday. Six electric fans to keep you cool. Gents 25 cents; ladies 15 cents. Positively no objectionable characters admitted.--L.C. Hodges, floor manager.
The Redfield bank robbers, who are to answer to similar charges at Bolivar, Mo., will likely get a heavy sentence. The Bolivar officers have a strong case against them. One of the four "suicided," but before he died he made a written confession. If the men escape punishment in Missouri they will be returned here for trial.
A great number of Spanish War soldiers are asking for increases in pension. Last week one young man who went to the Philippines, and who drew a pension for a time after his return to the States, was notified that he had been allowed back dues to the amount of $4,000.
C.C. Nelson and C.A. Lakin are going down into Arkansas for four days. They are going to take a boat trip down the Missouri. They expect a very pleasant cruise.
Free at Fern Lake Park beginning Sunday at Fern Lake Park: Moving pictures in theatre. No charge for seats. New Edition Kinetoscope--first in the city. Free band concert every evening and Sunday afternoon. Only cost is 5 cents for gate admission and 10 cents for round trip street car fare. Children under seven admitted free.
Flag Day was the birthday of Miss Helen Holdin. Her mother arranged a charming birthday dinner. The table was lovely in rose patterned china and rose crystal. The honoree had made her own birthday cake, which was a success.
Over 100 ladies and several children were present at the hospitable home of Mrs. Will Hughes, south of town, when the Clarksburg Country Club entertained the Homemakers Club. It proved so enjoy able it was agreed to make it an annual event.
The veterinary clinic held at Dr. Richardson's veterinary hospital here was attended by veterinarians from various points in southeastern Kansas and western Missouri. Thirty veterinarians were registered. The meeting was followed by a basket dinner at Gunn Park.
Russell Crips, of the east side, suffered a painful injury to his right forearm last night when a motor he was trying to crank backfired. He was taken to Main Street Hospital.
Chicken thieves, entering a poultry house at the Henry Pellett farm north of Devon some time last night, stole 80 five-month old pullets, leaving a few of the big flock. The family members were sleeping and a farm dog did not bark. Tracks led from the poultry house, behind a machine shed and across a field.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Laird, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bonner and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Galvin attended the 35th anniversary of the Lions founding at Pittsburg.
Louis Schafer, the Main Street grocer, received a shipment of strawberries this morning from Michigan, the first he has ever received from that state. They were large and firm and Mr. Schafer had no trouble disposing of them to his customers.
Cut your meat cost by shopping Safeway. Excellent USDA standard beef: Sirloin steak, lb. 65 cents; T-bone steak, lb. 75 cents; round steak, lb. 69 cents; Swiss steak, lb. 69 cents; ground beef, 3 lbs. $1; chuck roast, lb. 35 cents; minute steak, lb. 79 cents; arm roast, lb. 49 cents; club steak, lb. 79 cents; beef brisket, lb. 59 cents. Save on Safeway's Taste Tells brand catsup, 3 14-oz. bottles 49 cents.
No publication.