Local resident reports anti-sales tax signs stolen

Friday, June 1, 2007

Numerous signs asking local residents to go to the polls and vote "no" on the proposed sales tax issue on June 5 were allegedly stolen Wednesday from yards all across Fort Scott.

Local resident Thom Prue said he had three signs taken from the yard of his residence at 802 S. Crawford St. He said several of his neighbors also had similar signs stolen from their yards. Prue said the 18-inch-by-24-inch white signs have also been disappearing on the east side of town.

He said residents called him on Thursday about their stolen signs. Prue, who owns and operates a sign making business, created the signs for the residents who wanted to express their opposition to the 1-cent sales tax increase to fund the $6.5 million aquatic center. That's how Prue knew about the stolen signs, he said.

Prue was the only person to call the Fort Scott Police Department and file a criminal report. He reported the alleged theft around 1 a.m. Thursday.

A question remains as to whether the thieves are youths just creating mischief at someone else's expense or supporters of the aquatic center wanting to silence the opposition. Yard signs are typically stolen by children as pranks.

Resident Sandy Fulcher, who lives near Prue at 215 W. Eighth St., said her sign was taken around the same time Prue contacted police.

"This is really low," Fulcher said. "It's ridiculous."

The signs reads, "Vote no to drowning in higher taxes." Fulcher said that's the reason why she's voting against it.

However, many residents are displaying a pro-aquatic center sign that reads, "Dive in" on June 5.

Prue suggested that people who have "Vote no" signs bring them in at night to prevent them from being stolen. He said he can't make new signs to replace the stolen ones in time before the election next week. He said he does offer a reward for each stolen sign returned: 1 cent.