Memories spring eternal ...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

100 YEARS AGO (1907)

"While we are not having any more trouble than in past years concerning keeping children in school," said Superintendent Bowen, "I can't see that the compulsory educational law as it was amended by the legislature will help the cause any, no matter how diligently the officers work." Parents are too free in endowing their children with excuses. What I want to impress is that there are some whose parents do not seem to care whether their children are in school or not--a pupil comes one day and stays away the next. And some of the excuses sent by the parents are the most flimsy you ever heard of. Then, too, we find that children who come under the compulsory educational law are compelled to work for a livelihood or assist their parents who are reduced to poor circumstances through misfortune. The truant officers and the educators generally are doing everything possible for the child to give him or her at least a good preparatory education.

If you haven't taken a complete trip over the city within the past two months, do it next Sunday. You will be surprised to note the many new houses that are being built in the city. If it never occurred to you that it is almost impossible to find a vacant house that is on the "for rent" list, ask your neighbor if it isn't true.

75 YEARS AGO (1932)

Registered nurses, the Misses Ramsey, Stearns, Vanleueen, Craig, Gobetz and Lewis drove in last night after a 2,700 mile trip in Texas. They first attended the American Nurses Convention at San Antonio where 3,000 were registered. Going down to Galveston they said they were lucky to see eight submarines come in and also enjoyed a dip in the Gulf. They enjoyed the sights of Old Mexico and many other places.

Charles Einhelling Jr. and family of Pittsburg will spend the weekend here with the Charles Einhelling family. Mr. Einhelling Jr. is in the drug business in Pittsburg.

The recent rains have made a scarce article somewhat common. Numerous fishing worms were observed along sidewalks this morning.

Select your trellises from 15 designs at Herrman Lumber Co.

The reception and ball Saturday night at the Cathedral, given by the Scottish Rite reunion committee, attracted several hundred of the Masonic brethren of all degrees and their Ladies. The Eastern Star Ladies assisted in the receiving line.

50 YEARS AGO (1957)

The Fort Scott Chapter of the National Chicken Broiling Society, Inc., held its second meeting of the season at the home of Dr.

and Mrs. Francis Stone. It was unanimously agreed that in order to promote local interests, henceforth only fowl raised in Bourbon County will be used by the society.

Three Fort Scott drivers participated in the stock car races at Butler, Mo., Saturday night.

Dale McDaniel was fourth in the consolation and fifth in the "B" feature. Junior Sims was third in the third heat and second in the "A" feature, while Verlin Simmons finished fifth in the third heat. Harvey Shane had car trouble.

John Richey, former Tribune employee, now with he army at Fort Leonard Wood, failed to get his weekend pass Saturday and his visit home has been postponed.

Fort Scott High School track and field squad scored 27 1/2 points to finish fourth in the annual SEK meet held at Brandenburg Field, Pittsburg State College. Fort Scott's Charles Lakin won the mile run; Don Meek took the shot put; and Gerald Wood took the high jump and tied for first in the pole vault.

25 YEARS AGO (1982)

No publication.