Hiattville Area News

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Hiattville United Methodist Church was very pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. John Slater as new members of the congregation on Sunday, Feb. 25. Pastor Dallas Peterson's sermon was titled "Tempted and Tried." Scripture was read from Romans 10:8-13 and Luke 4:1-13.

Jessica Schwalm spent the weekend of Feb. 24 with her parents David and Cindy.

Beverly Davis and Lynda Foster were in Valley Center of the weekend where the grand officers and their escorts practiced their marches for the upcoming Grand Chapter session.

Congratulations to all the Hiattville 4-H members for doing so well at the County 4-H Day on Saturday Feb. 24, especially for their chorus for getting the top blue. Several of the individual members also received top blues on different entries.

Sandra Ellis spent a couple of days recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller.

Sympathy is extended to the families of Grace Endicott and Leon Peel. Both were former members of this community.

Beverly Davis and Clara Brewer attended the official visit of Worthy Grand Matron Nancy Zook and Worthy Grand Patron Don Flickinger, at Electa Chapter 23 in Girard on Feb. 26.

Lavone Page, Lorna Slater, Rachel Wagner and Clara Brewer were among the crowd that attended the Fort Scott Community College play at the Melodrama Theater on March 1. Megan Peterson had one of the leading roles in the play, which was "Proposals" written by Neil Simon.

Ronnie Brown recently attended the Southwest States Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) meeting in Lafayette, La. for three days. The next week he was in Washington, D.C. for the Leadership Conference for the National Association of RC&D councils. They had appointments with all the Kansas congressional delegation to lobby for restoration funding for the RC&D's as well as the Natural Resources Conservation service.

Mark and Kevin David of Scott City spent the past weekend with their mother, Beverly Davis. Saturday evening they, along with Beverly, Gary and Lynda Foster, attended a surprise birthday party for Dennis Davis at his home in Fort Scott, hosted by his wife, Norma.

Mrs. Addi Foster was honored with a baby shower Friday at the school where she teaches in Pittsburg.

Dora Page gave a birthday offering during worship service March 4. Pastor Dallas Peterson's sermon was titled "Citizens of Heaven." Scripture was read from Luke 12:31-35 and Phillippians 3:17-4:1.

Worship assistants for March are Liturgist Joe Ludlum; Ushers, Mary and Jonathan Hightower; and Greeters, Judy Tripp and Lavone Page.

The youth group had their first meeting at Joe and Ann Ludlum's home Sunday evening.

The Administrative Board had their monthly meeting following Sunday School on March 11.

The first meeting of the "Purpose Driven Life" study will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 14 at the church.

Sunday, April 1, the Handleys will be presenting their witness in song beginning at 2 p.m. at the church.

On Sunday, April 8, there will be Easter Sunrise Services at 7 a.m. at the Pleasant Valley Church. Breakfast will follow at 7:45 at the Hiattville Church.

United Methodist Women met March 12 with Patty Gauthier presenting the lesson on prayer and self-denial.

Sympathy is extended to the family of Mrs. Edna Peterson who passed away at Liberty, Mo. She had been living with a daughter there. The family lived in Hiattville for many years.