New congregation to open in Redfield
The story is often told of how a personal tragedy can lead people to a stronger bond with God. It's a story that Redfield resident Jeff Feagins knows all too well.
After the death of his grandfather in April 1997, a personal tragedy that Feagins said was "very tough on me," a friend invited him to the religious men's group Promise Keepers' event in Kansas City. It changed his life.
"That was really when I gave my life to the Lord," Feagins said. "I had gotten saved at a young age, but that was really my first true experience."
Since that time, Feagins has led a life dedicated to God and the church, and at 10 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 4, Feagins will perform his first service as pastor of the newly-formed Marmaton Community Church at the Redfield Community Center.
Feagins, 34, said he and his wife Brenda created the church in order to strengthen, as he did, people's relationship with God. He said the idea to start the church came in October 2005 while he was attending a church ministry conference.
"At that point, the Lord really put it on my heart to do this," Feagins said. "So we began praying about it. We talked to several people about what we wanted to do. There were many people in the community that said they were ready and that they'd be there."
The purpose statement of the new church is, "Reach people for Christ and help them grow in His likeness," Feagins said, adding that the Baptist church will focus a lot on the value of family and relationships.
Feagins said he is excited to get the church up and running, but added that he's sometimes still surprised he is even back in the area where he grew up.
In 2002, Feagins and his family moved to Jerseyville, Ill., where he took the pastorate position at Bethel Baptist Church. Feagins said he knew he'd be back home every now and then, but had no plans of staying. Something, however, drew him back in August of last year.
"It had to be the Lord," he said. "I mean, we had said that we'd always come back to visit, but we'd never move back here. Never say never, I guess."
Feagins said his wife will teach children's ministries at the church as soon as it's "up and going."