Memories spring eternal

Thursday, December 21, 2006



There are always people who have not seen Uncle Tom's Cabin. There are people who will not go to the theater to see any other play. That is why local managers offer this old play to the public. It will be presented here Christmas afternoon and night. There will be the traditional parade at noon.

If I were Santa I would know exactly what to give every boy and girl. I would give them Hollister Rocky Mountain Tea. It is a never-ceasing wonder.--Prichard-Blatchley Drug Store.

Young ladies desiring to take the examination for position as telephone operators should file their application with the chief operator at once.--Mutual Telephone Company.

To avoid mistakes in mail service, Postmaster Cheney requests that patrons sending packages and bundles to wrap them in strong paper and tie them well. Leave the package so that it can be easily opened and examined, as the department is very strict about the examination of all third and fourth class matter to ascertain whether there is any writing in said parcel. Putting writing in the nature of a communication subjects the sender to a fine of $10.



A very mild weekend for December in this vicinity was enjoyed. The thermometer never went below 43. Maximum temperature for both Saturday and Sunday was 61, according to Weather Observer E.A. Shaver.

Claud Dunham, Frank Decker, H.B. Miller and Arthur Blakeley drove to Kansas City Saturday night in 1 hour and 35 minutes. Mr. Blakeley returned on the Frisco.

The Whippet coach belonging to Dee Filizola was stolen from in front of his store at 114 East Wall Street, he reported today. The car had been parked there for some time.

Mrs. George Konantz, who accidentally took the wrong coat while attending the meeting of the Eastern Star, would appreciate getting in touch with the owner of the coat which she has, as there is a difference in size. The coats are both black with fur trim and look much alike.

The Chamber of Commerce has completed an itinerary which will expedite an inspection of the 33 homes entered in the chamber's Christmas home decorating contest.

The Christmas assembly at the junior college tomorrow will feature the Christmas play, "The Maid of France." Junior college alumni is especially invited along with the general public.



Harold W. Carbon, of near Mound City, was out of water and most of the farmers around there had to haul water. Carbon thinks this was in 1939 and 1940. Several trucks were put on duty and were kept on the go for some time to keep Mound City supplied with water. Carbon says he had a truck with a tank. John Camac, who lives on the Raymond Perkins farm north of Bronson, reports that he was about out of water during the summer and he was a bit worried about it. Then something happened-- a miracle perhaps. From under the rocks along a ravine near the farm buildings, a spring of water gushed forth and he had plenty of water. State crews were improving the highway past the farm. When the workers tore some rocks loose with heavy machinery the stream of water started running and is giving hope for a dependable water supply for the farm.




The year should not pass without a special note of thanks to the Bourbon County Commissioners who voted to permit about $7,000 in federal revenue sharing moneys to be spent to completely update the public library's local microfilm files. Such newspaper records often are the only written indication of history on any given date, and they bear particular importance to genealogy research, a natural outgrowth of our historical heritage, the National Historic Site and the National Cemetery. Our warm thanks to Bourbon County Commissioners Roy Stewart, Ralph Reed and Livian Embry.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Epps will be honored with a 40th wedding anniversary reception Dec. 27 at their home near Prescott. Hosts for the event will be their children.