Hiattville Area News

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Some churches didn't have services on Dec. 3, but Hiattville United Methodist Church had services. David Bruner of Topeka and Jamie Collins' friend were welcome visitors. This was the first Sunday of Advent with the David Schwalm family lighting the first Advent candle and relating what is stands for.

Pastor Dallas Peterson's sermon was titled "The Expectation of Advent" with scripture read from Jeremiah 33: 14-16 and Luke 21: 25-36. Joe Ludlum assisted the pastor in serving Communion at the close of worship.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ludlum have returned from their vacation trip to Washington, D.C. where they enjoyed spending time with their daughters, Kelly and Beth.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mitchell enjoyed attending their grandson Dawson's school program on Dec. 6 at Winfield Scott.

Mr. and Mrs. Russ Mater of Barton, Mich. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed McDaniel. Mrs. Mater is Ed's sister. Clara Brewer joined them for dinner Friday night. The visitors returned home Sunday morning.

Beverly Davis and Lynda Foster drove to Baldwin City on Dec. 9. The OES Grand Officers put on the degree work at Evangeline Chapter on Saturday evening. Sunday they attended the Christmas party for the Grand family at the home of Ed Zook at Olathe, returning home that evening.

The monthly community potluck was held Saturday evening. Before the meal, a cookie exchange was held and the Christmas tree in the fellowship hall was decorated.

David Bruner was again a welcome visitor at worship on Dec. 10. Cindy Schwalm gave a birthday offering. Pastor Dallas Peterson's sermon was titled, "A Journey of Joy." Scripture was read from Malachi 3:1-4 and Philippians 1:3-11. Worship assistants for December are Connie Peterson, liturist; Dean and Effie Mitchell, greeters; ushers, Bill and Jennifer Sampson.

Mary and Kayla Hightower were in charge of lighting the Advent candle on Sunday. The Christmas program was Dec. 17. On Dec. 24, there will be a service at 10 p.m.

The community extends sympathy to the Sampson family due to the death of his mother last week.

Beverly Davis, Lynda Foster, and Clara Brewer accompanied Shirley Palmer to Girard on Dec. 11 to attend the Friendship meeting of Electa Chapter. Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Davis were also there for their Grand appointments this year. Mrs. Palmer has been appointed as education chairman for the General Grand Chapter. Mrs. Dean is serving as Grand Ruth this year for the Kansas Grand Chapter. Mrs. RoJean Ward of Rob Morris Chapter, Pittsburg, was also honored as she has the special appointment from General Grand Chapter as a Friend of the Feather.

Hiattville United Methodist Women met on Dec. 12 at the church with Glenda Miller presiding. The meeting opened with the group reciting the "Purpose." Roll call was answered by eight members telling what Christmas scenes came to mind when they closed their eyes.

The treasurer reported that $152.13 was collected in the thank offering collection last month. She also reported that the new prayer calendar had been received. It was decided that funds would be used from the Treasury to finish buying things for the adopted families.

Judy Tripp presented devotions.

Lavone Page and Patty Gauthier assisted Glenda Miller in presenting the lesson on peace. These questions were raised during the discussion, "What can we do to bring about peace in the world?" and "Whose birthday is it anyway?" The lesson was taken from the program book for 2006 titled, "Building Peace, Piece by Piece." The lesson closed by all circling the worship center which was covered with a red cloth centered with a tall, white candle surrounded by four smaller white candles. Each person lit their own candle as Mrs. Miller told the meaning of each candle. The center candle was the peace candle. The group sang "Let There Be Peace."

Beverly Davis read the article "The Night Before Jesus Came."

Mabel Miller gave the response moment telling about the scam of payday loans in Utah. Clara Brewer gave a report from the prayer calendar.

The unit received an invitation to attend a mission study at Mound City on Jan. 16, starting at 9 a.m. This study will be on India and Pakistan.

It was decided to make a contribution to the church treasure to help on the fuel bill.

The next meeting will be on Jan. 8. This will be a planning meeting.

A time of fellowship followed the meeting. Refreshments of banana cream dessert brought by Mrs. Miller, spiced tea, coffee and other goodies, brought by others attending were enjoyed. A gift exchange was held with the oldest person getting to choose a gift first, then going down in age to the youngest. Clara Brewer was the oldest and Patty Gauthier, the youngest.

Beverly Davis and Clara Brewer attended an Eastern Star meeting at Violet chapter in Fulton on Dec. 13. Mrs. Davis assisted Worthy Grand Patron Don Flickinger in presenting 50 year pins to three of the Violet chapter members. Earlier in the day, several of the Violet chapter members had accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Flickinger to the rest home where they presented a 75 year pin to Edna Galladay.

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Palmer drove to Olathe on Dec. 13 to watch their grandchildren in their church Christmas program.

Ideal Chapter No. 369 officers met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Palmer on Dec. 14 for a potluck supper and Christmas party. A short business meeting was held following the meal. A moment of silence was held in memory of Raymond Pfieffer who had passed away on Dec. 9. Mr. Pfieffer was a 60 year member of Eastern Star. The next meeting will be Dec. 28. The degrees will be exemplified. The secretary reported she had a letter from Linda Hull asking for a certificate of transfer and that she has sent the certificate to her.

Effie Mitchell reported she had sent a get well card to Lois Clary. It was reported that Margaret McDermed and Karen Endicott Coyan had been sick this past week. The usual contributions to Estarl in memory of Joy Lee Endicott and Raymond Pfieffer will be sent to the Grand Secretary. Also, contributions to the Christmas fund for the Kansas Masonic Home will be sent. Mrs. Palmer told about some of her duties as chairman of the Education Committee of General Grand Chapter.

Mrs. Palmer read a beautiful poem during the meeting. She and Mr. Palmer had been to Topeka to help move the office of the Grand Secretary to the new facilities and also to help with the sale of excess articles that had been stored in the Grand Chapter office building.

She presented a picture of Mary A. Hepler, first Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter of Kansas to Ideal Chapter. She also presented one of E.V. Hilyer and one of Rob Morris, the founder of Eastern Star, to the Chapter. These pictures had been painted by Past Grand Matron Anna Mae Bradshaw. Ideal Chapter is honored to be able to hang these pictures in the Chapter room.

Mrs. Palmer and Worthy Patron Dewaine Geiger, had chosen to honor their officers at this meeting. Mr. Geiger was unable to attend the meeting due to another commitment. Mrs. Palmer, on behalf of her and Mr. Geiger, presented gifts to each officer present. Those present for the meeting were, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gift, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Hart, Mattie Nell Dixon, Dorothy Ketner, Agnes Armstrong, Gayla Hart, Beverly Davis, Lynda Foster, Clara Brewer and the hosts, Ron and Shirley Palmer.

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wagner and Kayla and Clara Brewer attended the Christmas program at Christian Heights school on Friday night, where Kole Wagner is a kindergarten student.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jackson drove to Paola on Thursday evening where they enjoyed hearing their granddaughter Ellen play in the school band.

Julie Fry and children were in charge of lighting the third Advent candle at worship on Dec. 17. Cindy Schwalm was soloist. Pastor Dallas Peterson presented Bibles to two third grade students, Kayla Hightower and Zack Schwalm. The sermon was titled "The Gift of Prayer," with scripture read from Zephaniah 3:14-20 and Philippians 4:4-7. Following worship, the congregation greeted the pastor and his wife, Connie, with special Christmas wishes and gifts.

The Christmas program was presented that evening by the children under the direction of Glenda Miller, Cindy Schwalm, David Schwalm and Judy Fry.

Kevin and Rachel Wagner were in Topeka over the weekend where Kevin took his EMT State Board test.