Concealed weapons may be banned on city property

Monday, December 18, 2006

If the Fort Scott City Commission approves an ordinance at Tuesday's meeting, the public will be prohibited from carrying concealed guns onto property owned or leased by the city.

City documents indicate that at 7 p.m. Tuesday, at City Hall, 1 E. Third St., the commission will hear the second and final reading of the ordinance aimed at banning concealed firearms on city property.

The ordinance applies to 12 city-owned and leased properties in Fort Scott. The proposed ordinance does not apply to law enforcement officers, fire department personnel authorized to carry weapons, or military personnel engaged in their duties.

The state of Kansas passed a concealed carry law that went into effect July 1, allowing residents to legally carry hidden firearms. Kansans have to pass an extensive application process in order to be licensed to carry concealed firearms. The Kansas Attorney General's Office will not be issuing licenses until Jan. 1.

The city ordinance requires a gun-toting citizen to forfeit the firearm, either temporarily or permanently, before walking on the premises.

Also, other items to be addressed at the meeting include the following:

* Commissioners will receive an update on new developments with the Hawkins Public Safety Building. The Fort Scott Fire Department moved back into the facility last week. However, the Fort Scott Police Department and dispatch services for Bourbon County are still operating out of the third floor of Memorial Hall. City officials decided to abandon the Hawkins building after snow buildup on the roof damaged the structure.

* In conjunction with the topic of public safety, commissioners will vote on whether to approve purchasing an additional dispatch console. The equipment will be installed in a room on the third floor at Memorial Hall that is currently being used by dispatchers. The console is estimated to cost $11,995. The room will be used as a back-up dispatch center.

* Commissioners will also be updated on progress staff has made in moving forward with condemnation of the burned out Miller and Nelson Block buildings. More than a month has passed since commissioners decided to authorize staff to take action in removing the buildings, located on the corner of Wall and Main streets, which were heavily damaged by the March 2005 downtown fire.

* Commissioners will consider approving a contract to hire Diehl, Banwart and Bolton, Certified Public Accountants, to conduct the 2007 city audit. The accounting firm raised the audit fee 5 percent from the previous year. However a final bill amount is, as yet, undetermined.