Uniontown Area News
The Uniontown Future Farmers of America have been delivering the Christmas holiday items and fruit to patrons of the district. This is an annual fund raising event for the FFA students. The campaign is also greatly appreciated by the members of this community, and also the efforts of the students and their advisor, Kevin Gleason, who never ceases to try to please everyone involved.
The United Methodist Women met Wednesday, Dec. 13, for their December meeting. Retiring President Pauline Hartman called the meeting to order and welcomed all to the Christmas meeting. She thanked everyone for their support during the past year. She was given a round of applause for a job well done. All read the "Purpose" in unison. Devotions were selections of prose and poetry, and clippings read by each one present. Roll call was answered by telling of a Christmas memory. The minutes were read by the secretary, and approved. The Love Offering was taken.
Mrs. Norma Dunn, wife of the Rev. Joel Dunn, was presented a monetary Christmas gift from the unit, in appreciation for the many things she does for the UMW.
The curtain project which had been ongoing was completed and the new curtains were installed in the Fellowship Hall, and they are beautiful.
Plans were made for the December Ruritan Dinner which will be Ladies Night. A Christmas card was signed for Daniel Koppa who is serving the military in Iraq.
All had brought a brown bag gift and a drawing was held so that each one present would receive a gift. The meeting was closed with a Christmas devotion by Carol George.
Patti McClenahan, incoming UMW president prepared a Christmas luncheon which was beautifully served for the enjoyment of all. The tables were arranged in a U-shape, and laid with a red cloth, decorated with white tinsel and other Christmas ornaments. Large gold plates were at each place, and included an individual gift of a hand made Christmas ornament for each one attending. The buffet line featured chicken broccoli casserole, carrot salad, cranberry Jell-O salad and butter horn rolls. A lovely cheesecake with strawberry topping was enjoyed for the dessert. The hostess's thoughtfulness provided sugar free entries for her diabetic guests. It was a lovely occasion.
Pat and Kenneth Ramsey, Joplin, Bob and Louise Geiger, and Becky and Joe Brown, came home over last weekend to see to it that their father had a happy birthday.
In the evening all enjoyed eating out at Chicken Annie's in Girard.
Dewaine and Beverly Geiger drove to the home of Becky and Joe Brown, rural Augusta, Friday where they accompanied the Browns to Topeka to witness the graduation exercises of their grandson, Nathan Brown, who graduated with a business degree from Washburn University, on Dec. 15. Following graduation, the families and friends had dinner together at the Brick Oven in Wichita. Beverly and Dewaine and Joe and Becky Brown were house guests of Joe's mother, Mrs. Elda Brown in her apartment in the Aldersgate care center in Topeka. On Friday they were joined by Elda Brown's sister-in-law, Mrs. Gladys Brown Glogau, for lunch at the dining room of the facility. During their visit they had a tour of the retirement facility. The Geiger's returned home Sunday morning.
Mrs. Norma Dunn had charge of the youth Christmas program at the Methodist Church on Sunday morning titled "Glimpses of Christmas." Youth taking part were Hayden Rathbun, Taylor Rathbun, Caitlin Jackson, Allison Warren, Kylie Shepard, Kyle Warren and Wes Warren, with special music in a vocal solo by Debbie McHenry. The skit closed with a nativity scene and all singing "Oh Come, Let us Adore Him." Mary Warren assisted in the production.
The Ruritan Club once again delivered large sacks of delicious fruit to the senior citizens in and around Uniontown. This is an annual project, and much appreciated by those who receive the fruit.