Southeast Scott Area News

Friday, December 15, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas up and down Jayhawk Road. Lots of homes are beautifully decorated and looked beautiful when we had the big snow storm last week.

The Diamond Community Church had their annual Christmas program Sunday evening, Dec. 10. Clara Schofield was in charge of the event. Others who helped during the evening were Opal Brillhart, Barbara Albright, Donna Wheeler and Mary Ellen Lundberg. After the program members met in the fellowship hall for Christmas snacks and punch.

Pastor Muhota's sermon in the morning service was titled "Christmas Does Not Make Sense" based on Matthew 1:18-23 and Luke 2:4-7. The Muhota children sang "Silent Night." Joy Muhota had a birthday and the pastor and Joy celebrated their anniversary. The Muhota family provided a church service at the Presbyterian Village on Sunday afternoon.

Hubert Thomas and Nathan Wright were recent dinner guests of Edna Mae Marsh.

Mary Ellen Lundberg attended the Fort Scott Shriners Christmas dinner on Dec. 9, and was the winner of a television set.

Dorothy Martens, Arnold and Clara Schofield were among parents, grandparents and friends that were honored with a dinner by the Northeast 4-H Club on Dec. 9 in Hammond.

Dorothy Ketner, Beulah Queen, Nellie Kalm, Anna Rourk and Esther Secrest enjoyed the day out on Dec. 12, with lunch at the Chinese Chef Restaurant in Nevada.

Jo Ann Thomas has returned from a trip to San Diego, Calif. Sue Gray came home with her and visited her mother, Edna Mae Marsh and other relatives for a few days.

Visitors with Katherine Toynton, Dec. 9-10 were her nieces, Mary Lou Steele and Katlyn and Kathy Crabtree, Siloam Springs, Ark.

Danielle Lundberg spent Sunday afternoon and evening with her grandmother, Mary Ellen Lundberg and attended the Christmas program at the Diamond Community Church that evening.

A great big thank you goes to the "good fairy" in the neighborhood who bladed the snow off several widows driveways and the church parking lot. I am sure Santa will remember him.

I would like to wish everyone a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.