Arcadia Area News

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Mary V. Shead

After basketball practice in Arma on Saturday, Phoenix Crain and Cody Burlingham came home with Austin Bartmess to spend the weekend and attended the Arcadia Christian Church on Sunday morning with Greg Sisney.

In the absence of Pastor David Peterson on Sunday morning, Emory Briggs filled the pulpit and taught the JOY Sunday School Class. Pastor Peterson returned to his home on Monday after attending the National Missionary Convention in North Carolina. He drove a van for the Ozark Christian College and among the passengers were Jace and Jess Pavlik, youth ministers in Arcadia Christian Church.

On election day in Arcadia, 150 people voted out of 360 registered who were eligible to vote. Harry Tustin was the first voter on Nov. 7 and Margaret Spencer was the last.

Linda Morris was the Polling Place Manager. Patty Peterson, the Supervising Judge with two clerks, Debbie Schaub and Mary V. Shead as clerks. John Macary from Girard, the area manager, was present off and on throughout the day.

Near the end of the day, Mrs. Dolores Barone complimented the board with a box of grapes and cheese. It was a blessing after a long day.

Clyde Pence, a l944 graduate of the Arcadia High School died from cancer at the age of 79 in Independence, Mo. His parents were Maude and Silas Pence who once lived in the Logston Farm near the Arcadia Bridge, west of Arcadia. Clyde's sister is Nellie Kalm, Fort Scott. His brothers were Harold, Clarence and Everett Pence. He was buried in Mount Washington Forever Cemetery in Independence, Mo.

Autumn Leaves Senior Citizens met on Monday, Nov. l3 with nine present for blood pressure readings and sugar counts given by Lisa Roberts from Girard Hospital. Several came expecting flu shots that were canceled but were advised to be present at Arcadia Community Center on Nov. 20.

Following a fine dinner of potato soup and the trimmings including a cheese ball, cherry cheesecake and cherry cobbler, the blessing was given by Betty Dehn.

The business meeting was opened by the President Carole Garrison leading the Lord's Prayer and pledge to the flag.

It was noted that the cottage now has tube fluorescent lighting.

Readings were by Mary Lee Payne about turkeys, "Angels" by Jerry Coonrod, "The Pathfinder" by Carole Garrison and "Apples" by Mary V. Shead.

The Dec. 11 meeting will be on second Tuesday of the month. All seniors are invited to attend and enjoy the carry-in meal.

Other present were Bob Cavin, Helen Sisney, Jack Payne, and special guest, Wanda Norris.

Jim and Judy Walters and daughter Jenny are visiting Judy's sister, Karen and Bruce Mow and the ladies mother, Shirley Applegarth in Tulsa, Okla. this month. The Walters are former residents of rural Garland, now from Michigan.

Arcadians are thankful to the Postal Department for Postmaster Kathy Shaeffer hosting the giving of flu shots in Arcadia by the Crawford County Health Department workers, Mary Curlee and Kathi Brunetti on Monday, Nov. 20 in the Community Center. By 11 a.m. that morning, 18 had received the vaccine.

Forrest and Ernestine Berkey were guests among others including Angela and Bill Redd and daughter Bethany from Pittsburg at a wiener roast and hay ride in the Cato area. Their hosts were Dan and Christy Lundburg and daughters Molly and Sarah from Pittsburg.

Friends are invited to help Doris Stelle celebrate her 90th birthday from 2-4 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 24 in the Activity Room of Arma Care Center.