Hiattville Area News
Beverly Davis and Lynda Foster drove to Ozawkie on Nov. 5 to attend the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Adams. This past weekend they were shopping in Wichita and on Saturday night, attended the six-way meeting of Eastern Star chapters in the Wichita area. Sunday they attended church services in the chapel at the Kansas Masonic Home. After lunch they joined other grand officers in entertaining the residents of the home.
Visitors welcomed at worship Nov. 12 were Jonathan Gauthier and Harold Headrick. Pastor Dallas Peterson's sermon was titled "What's In Your Giving?" Scripture was read from Hebrews 9: 24-28 and Mark 12: 38-44. Items are still being collected for the Bishop's Round Up for Hunger. If contributions are to be made to Heifer Project, make the checks payable to East Kansas Conference. Nov. 19 will be the church conference with District Superintendent Ron King.
Start looking for your favorite Christmas hymns. We are going to have out top ten Christmas hymns. Voting will be on Nov. 19 and 26. We won't have a top ten Sunday, but will instead have two or three of the top Christmas hymns each Sunday in Advent as we sing praises to the Christ child.
Worship assistants for the month of November are Liturgists, David and Cindy Schwalm; greeters, Dora and Lavone Page; and ushers are the Vincent family.
Ideal Chapter No. 369 Order of the Eastern Star met Nov. 9 with Worthy Matron Shirley Palmer presiding in the East. She welcomed everyone with an article about Thanksgiving. The charter was draped in memory of Joy Lee Endicott by the chaplain. Members stood in the reverent attitude with the organist softly playing. The worthy matron read a beautiful item in her memory. She thanked the members for providing food for the family the day of the funeral service.
The next meeting will be Dec. 14 at the home of Ron and Shirley Palmer. Members are to bring a covered dish for a 6 p.m. dinner. There will be no meeting on Nov. 23 due to Thanksgiving.
The worthy matron and worthy patron will be honoring their officers at the Dec. 14 meeting.
It was agreed to take a collection at the Christmas party and that enough be taken from the treasury to make $50 to be sent to the Kansas Masonic Home.
The worthy matron asked members to send cards to our members that now reside in rest homes.
Effie Mitchell reported she had sent sympathy cards to Grace Endicott, Billie Young and John and Karen Coyan.
It was reported that Raymond Pfieffer is very ill but would enjoy cards. He is living with his daughter Connie Leonard in Owasso, Okla.
During the good of the order, the worthy matron read an article about the first Thanksgiving and reminded the group to make everyday a day of Thanksgiving by counting our blessings. Each one present listed the things they were most thankful for this year.
Preceding the meeting, everyone enjoyed a most bountiful Thanksgiving dinner at 6 p.m. Mrs. Palmer had prepared the turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy. Other members brought vegetables, salads and desserts to complete the meal. The table was decorated with beautiful fall leaves and turkeys.
Sympathy is extended to the Endicott family at the death of Joy Lee. She lived in this community several years and attended school in Uniontown.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maloney have returned from a trip to Colorado to visit friends and to hunt elk.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Palmer were in Branson, Mo. the weekend of Nov. 11 and attended the reunion of the grand family of Patricia Hanson, Past Grand Matron and John Carlson, Past Grand Patron.
The United Methodist Women met Nov. 13 with seven members answering roll call with Bible verses with the word thanks in them. Glenda Miller presided and opened the meeting by having everyone repeat the purpose. Mrs. Miller read the minutes of the previous meeting in the absence of the secretary. Mabel Miller gave the treasurer's report and stated that $74.32 was collected for UNICEF by the children in October.
Judy Tripp gave devotions using scripture from Ruth 12:30. We should be thankful every day for our blessings and as we pray we should begin our prayers with "Thank you God" and end the prayer with "Thank you God."
Dora Page presented the thank offering lesson titled," Showing Our Thankfulness." The worship center held an open Holy Bible, an angel and a basket to collect the thank offerings brought by each member. The lesson began by all reading the 100th Psalm together. Mrs. Page used an article from the Response magazine about how girls in other countries are used and abused. The article told how our thank offerings are used to help these girls have a better life through education.
The song, "What Gifts Can We Bring" was read in unison as each member deposited their thank offering in the basket. The lesson was closed with prayer.
An article from the Prayer Calendar was given by Clara Brewer.
Mabel Miller gave the response moment.
Several members had finished their chrismons. The chrismons will be dedicated on Dec. 3 when the hanging of the greens will be done.
The prayer calendar for 2007 will be ordered by Mabel Miller.
Articles for the round up will be collected until the last Sunday of November. The unit will again be involved with the Adopt-a-Family program for Christmas.
The meeting closed with prayer by the president. Mrs. Page served delicious refreshments of pumpkin dessert and hot spiced cider.