Graham bucks tide in vote on Nienstedt review

Monday, November 13, 2006
Richard Nienstedt

In any organization, a new direction filled with fresh ideas and philosophies sometimes needs to be sought so the institution can grow, Fort Scott City Commissioner Nick Graham said in a statement last week.

The organization to which Graham referred was the City of Fort Scott.

In a written statement sent to The Fort Scott Tribune, Graham explained his reason for voting against approval of the performance and compensation evaluation of City Manager Richard Nienstedt.

Nick Graham

Commissioners on Tuesday voted 4-1 to approve a 3-percent pay increase for Nienstedt that was included in his annual performance evaluation. No other changes in benefits were made other than the salary increase. The vote followed an executive session where commissioners discussed Nienstedt's performance and compensation. Commissioner Barbara Wood made the motion and Commissioner John Keating seconded. Also, they discussed the evaluation in executive session after the Oct. 17 meeting.

The pay increase fell in line with the maximum merit increase every city employee receives annually. Commissioners voted for the pay increase for each employee earlier this year.

The hike in pay will increase Nienstedt's annual salary to $65,671, up from last year's salary of $63,759. He signed an employment contract in August 2005 that will keep him in Fort Scott until July 31, 2008.

Although voting 'no' will be seen as a controversial move by some, Graham wanted to release a formal statement to make his case clear to the public.

In the statement, Graham said:

"The vote I made this morning was emotionally the most difficult decision I have had to make in my time as a commissioner, and was made after a long period of thought, prayer, and seeking the counsel of other leaders and citizens I have come to know and respect in our community.

"Our city manager has served this community proudly, is a good and decent man, a great father, and someone I am proud to call my friend. 

The vote I made tonight does not reflect my feelings of his character, but is a reflection of a philosophy that myself and many I have spoken with share, which is that in any organization, every so often, new direction, ideas, and philosophies need to be brought in so that the organization can continue to seek a progressive and fruitful path. 

"As we approach what I see as a time of great opportunity and growth for Fort Scott, I feel that this is the time to begin that process."