Memories spring eternal
Ladies, do not fail to attend the great closing out sale of my entire stock of tea sets, water sets, Roger knives, forks and spoons, cut glass and china, solid sterling goods; also a fine line of watches, both in ladies and gents. All must go at your own price. Commences October 13th.--F.P. Buarkholder, 24 North Main Street.
Probate Judge, this morning, issued a license for the marriage of Mr. Jacob Earl Wilson and Miss Grace Bernice Catt, both of this city.
Grant Hornaday and Ed Gates went over to Deerfield this morning in Mr. Hornaday's automobile to open a new bank, which will be known as "The Bank of Deerfield." They took Rev. Orchard of the Christian church along to carry the swag and he carried a small two-quart sack chuck full of gold. Mr. Orchard's heavy load made him lag a little behind the other gentlemen as they walked down the street, but they never looked back once to see if he was coming.
Claude Frary and E.A. Brown, of the post office carrier and clerical force, left yesterday for points unknown for a fishing trip.
A number of flocks of geese stopped over at Rock Creek Dam Lake a intervals this week while on their way to the southland.
A new brick schoolhouse is to be erected in District 27 south of Redfield to replace the structure which was destroyed by fire a few days ago.
The United States Government has just awarded to A.C. Bain the contract for new guttering and tin work on buildings at the National Cemetery. This was recently authorized by congress for which an appropriation was made covering considerable remodeling and repairing of the cemetery property.
Bruder Konantz and Robert Young returned from St. Louis this morning. They attended the World Series game yesterday.
The Plaza P.T.A. met at the school. Mrs. William D. Sanders, who has been the faithful president for a number of years, was again elected. Mrs. Eddie Bruce is first vice president; Mr. Roy Donaldson, secretary; Mrs. Isaac Owen, assistant secretary; Mrs. C.C. Parks, second vice president; Mr. Albert Hill, third vice president; Mr. Richard Sanders, fourth vice president; Mrs. Mattie Henderson, fifth vice president; Mr. Abe Young, sixth vice president; Mrs. W.W. Johnson, seventh vice president; Miss Trilby Reed, treasurer; Mr. Thelma Roberts, pianist; Mrs. Rosa Simmons, Mrs. Cornelia Reese, program committee; Prof. G.E. Watson, chaplain; Mrs. George Caldwell, welfare committee chairman.
Miss Emma Bowen, daughter of Mr. and Ms. J.A. Bowen of east of the city, and James E. Holt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Drewery Holt of Fort Scott, were married Oct. 5 at the First Methodist church. Shirley Hill, soloist, was accompanied by Mrs. M.H. Bartelsmeyer. The newlyweds are living at 1002 South National Avenue.
Five Bourbon County oil and gas dealers have received special recognition from the Standard Oil Company in tribute to their years of service as dealers. Receiving the special awards were Bert Adams, Arcadia; Lloyd Kite, Prescott; Charles H. Smith, Uniontown; John Rose and G.W. Ashford, Fort Scott.
An Eisenhower Club was organized in Fort Scott and the following officers were elected: president, Mrs. Jane Easley; vice president, Mrs. Sadie Valentine; secretary, Mrs. Clarence Hill; treasurer, Mrs. Emma Richardson.
Lloyd Hill, an employee of Penniman Hardware, was treated at the Newman-Young Clinic for injuries to his left hand caused by an electric drill.
No publication.
Editor's note: Memories Spring Eternal is the expanded version of Other Years, a feature appearing daily on the editorial page of The Tribune. Interaction is welcome from readers who relate in some way to the chronicled events. Comments may be directed to The Fort Scott Tribune, Box 150, Fort Scott, Ks. 66701.