Uniontown Area News
The Uniontown Methodist Church is cooperating with a Congregational Health Ministry. Cathy Stockard, RN., Health and Wellness Ministry, Pittsburg, spoke to the members of the Church Sunday, following the Sunday School hour, to explain the benefits to the congregation, which are: l. A visible example of the integration of body, mind, and spirit; 2. Enhanced vitality of congregational life; 3. A more caring community; 4. A holistic approach to helping the community of God's people; 5. Improved access to shared church and community resources; 6. A valuable tool to help raise awareness; 7. A new dimension for the concept of stewardship; 8. People empowered to assume a proactive stance in promoting healthier lifestyles within the church community; 9. Inter-faith collaboration through Mt. Carmel Congregational Health Ministry to utilize faith community resources for the common good; 10. Inter-faith collaboration to provide a relationship-building model for the community.
Local nurses who will work with the Uniontown Methodist Church are Pat McClenahan, chairman, Mary Warren, Debbie Shepard, and Norma Dunn. Blood pressure checks will be held once a month following Sunday school.
The program is sponsored by the Congregational Health Ministry, Mt. Carmel Regional Medical Center, Pittsburg. For information about this program, phone Pat McClenahan, (620) 756-4733 or Norma Dunn, (620) 756-4803.
Their was a meeting of the Church Administrative Board Sunday, which followed a carry in dinner.
Congratulations to Kylie Shepard and Heath Clayton on being selected the Fall Homecoming King and Queen for Uniontown High School last Friday evening.
Kylie serves in many ways, and is the liturgist for the Methodist Church. Our church is very proud of her.
Several members of the Baptist Church attended the Southeast area annual meeting at the First Baptist Church in Caney, Kan. on Sept. 17. The theme for the meeting was, "New Hope for New Life" with scripture taken from Ephesians, 2: 4-5. The afternoon session began at 3:15 p.m. The Born Again Trio from the Caney Baptist Church played music as the people gathered. The Rev. Dan DeWitt gave the welcome. Rev. Dewitt is a brother to Rev. Marty Dewitt of the Uniontown Church.
The theme song by the Congregation was, "The Solid Rock." The Rev. Dale Cummins gave the invocation and Congressional singing was led by Tim Beard.
The meeting was adjourned, and the business meeting held. Later in the day, special music was by a ladies ensemble from Pittsburg Baptist Church, followed by an afternoon speaker.
The Postlude was played by Mary Bruner.
The Caney Church served the evening meal, and all enjoyed a fellowship hour, followed by the evening services with pre-session music by the Parker family from Caney, who were all musically inclined, being the father, mother and five children each playing stringed instruments, banjo, guitar, and violin. Two small girls played violin.
The welcome to the evening program was by Kim Drumm. The program included congregational singing, the invocation by the Rev. Cassie Carlson, a special by the women's ensemble, Chanute. The hand bell choir played special numbers.
The speaker was Dr. Fred Snow, President of the Ottawa University, and the benediction was by the Rev. Jim Hargett. Mary Bruner played the postlude.
There were eight attending from the Uniontown Baptist Church.
Johnny and Betty Schubert entertained Sunday with an afternoon tea in honor of Dorothy Dallas of Bedford, England. Guests included Mrs. Dallas' daughter, Linda Culbertson of Girard, Susie Franklin, Nita Campbell and Edna Marie Jackson. Linda Neville, Bronson, brought holiday gift items from Home Interior, and presented Dorothy Dallas with a special gift. Dorothy said in England they did not have parties of this kind, and that she had the loveliest afternoon and invited everyone to visit her home in Bedford, England.
A large flock of geese went over this morning, looking for warmer climate, and telling all that cold weather will soon be arriving.
The Pastime Club met Sept. 20, with Alice Clayton, who opened her meeting with prayer. Eight members were present for the business meeting which was called to order by Anna Rose. Alice Clayton read passages from Psalms, and also an article entitled, "Living Bible." Irene Stockstill received a birthday gift from her secret pal, and Theda Headley received a gift honoring her wedding anniversary. Anna Rose received both the guess what and the hostess gift. Alice Clayton closed the meeting with prayer.
She served barbecued pork on buns, and an assortment of chips and dips. The remainder of the day was spent playing Skip-Bo.
The Uniontown Senior Citizens met Sept. 26, in the Community Center. A potluck dinner was served at noon with Rita Peterson giving the table grace. Following the meal, President Peterson read an article from the "Daily Bread" entitled, "Be Ye Thankful." Alice Clayton read the minutes of the August meeting. Twelve sunshine calls and cards were reported. Theda Headley received the guess what.
Those present were Karen Sager, Laura Graham, Hazel Burt, Katherine Roof, Alice Clayton, Cliff and Rita Peterson, Theda Headley and Ruth Wilson. The meeting was closed with prayer. All enjoyed playing Skip-Bo.
Hazel Burt, Maxine Burt, Fort Scott, Alice Clayton, and Catherine Roof attended a meeting of the Bronson Senior Citizens on Sept 15. Reta Mae Johnson was hostess and served a delicious fried chicken dinner. Reta Mae was assisted in serving by Rhonda Murrow, Billie Sue Johnson, and Brandi Johnson. They are looking forward to the October meeting when Jim Shinn will furnish a fish fry for the club.