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(Feb. 13, 2009) Pic's pick of the week

This week's photo is a special photo. It was shot by Kathleen Hinkel who is a photographer from Vancouver, BC, Canada. I had the opportunity to talk to the photographer through e-mail to get a little information.
This photo was taken in 2004 in a California ghost town known as Bodie. If you notice the corners seem to have been clipped as if the shutter was broken or the photo was shot through an opening of some sort. Well those corners, according to the photographer, were intentional. Hinkel said she used a warming filter (more later) which was rotated to cut into the photo for some added interest. Also adding a bit of interest is the fact that it was shot on film. It is nice to know that there are still some film users out there.
Back to the warming filter ... the purpose of a warming filters is basically to add a little punch to the color. The filter makes the colors a little more saturated or vibrant. Some say it gives the illusion of sunset light with out the sunset and the long dark shadows.
The reason that I was drawn to this photo was because of the color and the composition. The white clouds against the blue sky is what caught my eye first as well as the direction of the clouds. One of the basic elements of design in a photography is leading lines. The lines of the clouds lead your eye up and to the right, which, in theory, gives a positive feeling to image.
The main subject matter of the run-down gas pumps and the run-down buildings in the background give the feeling of the depression and what some feel will be the effects of the current economic situation. The clouds giving the positive feeling and the bright vibrant colors give the viewer a sense of hope that though things are tough, things will find a way of working out.
I have been criticized for having my horizon too centered, however, I prefer a centered horizon. Despite the centered horizon, this photo displays a good use of the "Rule of Thirds".
Overall, I think the use of the warming filter was a great decision. In my opinion, this photo would not have the same message without it.
* This photo was used with the permission of Kathleen Hinkel, photographer.