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(Jan. 30, 2009) Pic's Pick of the Week

This week's photo is a photo I took. This photo appeared on the front page of Friday's edition of The Tribune as part of a photo illustration.
Every once in a while you get conditions that are just perfect for a photo. I wanted to take a photo of the sign in front of the fort but I wasn't sure how it would look. I came up with the simple first step of laying on my stomach on the ground so that the focus of the photo wasn't the bricks.
Personally I am a big fan of lines in a photo, especially diagonal lines. This is a very linear photo and I love it. I love that the bricks on the ground lead to the sign, the sign leads to the fort's entrance building, then the columns on the building lead your eye to the perfectly clear January evening sky.
The contrast and transition from the red brick to the gray sign to the blue sky makes my eyes happy.
As a photographer sometimes you take a photo that you just know immediately that it is a keeper. When I pushed the shutter button, I knew I would like this one. I hope you do too.