Yabba dabba dooooo!
I guess I will keep with the theme of my co-workers and write a blog about Halloween. My story is a story of a man who is excited about Halloween for the first time in a long while.
When I was younger I loved Halloween, despite my lack of creativity with choice of costume. I believe I was a ghost three years in a row. I know that I was a football player a few time. The times that I was a football player, I wore the pads and uniform of my older brother who was on the high school football team.
I lived in a fairly rural area so most of my trick-or-treating consisted of getting in the car and going to my relative's houses. I will always remember my mom poking me in the stomach as the song, "They're Coming to Take Me Away" played on the radio.
Like most people, I began to lose interest in Halloween as I got older, however, my interest has been renewed this year. This is mainly due to my fiancé.
This year I have things to look forward to. I get to spend a time with my fiancé as we carve a pumpkin or two in the crisp October night. Also, we may be going trick-or-treating. A friend of ours is not able to take their son so we may be filling in, I am pretty excited about that. Also, I will be going to my first Halloween party.
The reason I am so excited about the party is because I was not one of those kids who got invited to parties and such, this year my fiancé and I were invited. Also, I get to spend time with other people and let loose and have some fun. I am new to the area, so I don't know many people.
However the biggest reason I am so excited for this Halloween is because of my costume. It is hard for me to put into words how excited I am to wear my costume. I will be dressed up as one of my childhood idols. Sorry Mr. Lombardi, as amazing as you were, you don't make a very good Halloween costume. With that being said, I will be ... drum roll please ... the one and only Fred Flintstone. The Flintstones is my all-time favorite cartoon, not only that, I have a similar body type as Fred, it couldn't work out better.
One last thing. For all those people who say that the spirit of Halloween has been lost with the costumes, candy, and parties ... Chill out! Of all the holidays that our country celebrates nearly every single one has been commercialized to the point where people don't even know why it is celebrated anymore. So as far as I'm concerned Halloween is just par for the course. I've given up trying to fight for the real meaning of holidays such as Easter and Christmas, I know the meaning and in my heart I reflect on them. As long as I do what I can so that I don't lose the meaning, I will be fine.