Uniontown's school projects nearly complete

Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Loretta George/Tribune photo Prior to the USD 235 Board of Education meeting Monday evening, Superintendent Jan Hedges, right, visits with BOE Member Doug Coyan about the building improvement work on Uniontown High School. In the background is Sally Johnson, board member. A-Lert Roof Systems of Erie is bringing a second work crew next week to help with the roof project started in spring 2016.

The USD 235 Board of Education learned from Superintendent Jan Hedges that the $2.5 million school improvement project is nearing completion.

Voters said yes to the project in April 2015 for heating/air conditioning improvements and a new roof for the junior/senior high school building.

Hedges described to the board about a "terrible Tuesday" the construction crews had in July.

"They hit the water line in front of the building and water was gushing everywhere," Hedges said. "Almost simultaneously they hit a water line in the ceiling in far end of (the high school) building. All that has been fixed and repaired and we are moving on."

The heating/air conditioning system at UHS is almost finished, she said.

"By Friday they should have the bulk of the work done," Hedges said.

The roof contractors are bringing in a second crew to help with the project, Hedges said.

"They had anticipated doing that all along," she said. "They are projected to be finished by the middle of September."

Hedges said the custodial staff is doing a "Herclean effort" to get the school ready for the first day, Tuesday, Sept. 6.

Maintenance issues

Hedges said some district maintenance issues still need to be addressed.

"By the (Uniontown High School) band room, it keeps flooding. It's happened numerous times during the summer," Hedges said. "The other one is the ditch in front of West Bourbon Elementary, water is standing. It doesn't drain out."

Safety and security

In September 2015, the board of education and Hedges tasked WBE Principal Tyler Jackman with providing the district with a safety and security plan.

"This is an update of where we are at with our emergency operation plan," Jackman said.

He handed to the board the district's emergency procedure plan that will be given to teachers.

"There was a committee that we had last September, to investigate and find out where we are at and where we need to go," Jackman said. "This is someplace we needed to get to pretty quickly."

In the teacher emergency handbook, crisis management procedures are listed for all the district, according to Jackman. At the Sept. 1 district inservice, the handbook will be discussed with all staff, he said.

"It breaks downs roles. It's a place to start...We'll take this year to train," Jackman said.

Materials were taken from Kansas Center for Safe and Prepared Schools, and also the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for the district's emergency operations plan, he said.

The new fire safety system is "99 percent done," Jackman said. The technician is coming Wednesday and Thursday, with system training following work completion, he said.

Jackman said he thought the new security system will be installed the last part of August.

Security cameras, secure entry cards and door locks are part of the new security system the school is working on, Hedges said.

Hedges and Jackman will work together to distribute the swipe cards that will allow entry to the school buildings.

The school bus radio system is getting "some glitches worked out," she said.

The full security plan for the district will be implemented this year, Jackman said.

In other business the board approved:

* Publishing the 2016-17 budget

* Matt Russell as transportation maintenance director at 20 hours per week, effective July 15.

* Jim Gill Agency for student insurance for 2016-17 in the amount of $9,340.

* Physical waivers of non-elected personnel until Aug. 1, 2017.

Following an hour executive session for negotiations and personnel matters, the board approved:

* Classified employees work agreement for 2016-17 with an average of 1.5 percent salary increase.

* Salary Reduction Plan 125, with staff hired before July 1, 2016 "grandfathered in." Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code provides participants an opportunity to receive certain benefits on a pretax basis, according to irs.gov. Participants in a cafeteria plan must be permitted to choose among at least one taxable benefit (such as cash) and one qualified benefit.

* A letter of resignation from Board Member Daniel Johns.

* Janet Clayton for cook position for USD 235 Food Services.

Upcoming events

* The high school is having a fall all-sports meeting Friday in the WBE cafeteria, Hedges said.

The district will continue providing meals for athletes before games for $2. Activity passes will continue for family and senior citizens, she said.

* An agriculture conference is also scheduled for Friday at the school, Hedges said.

* District enrollment is Aug. 23-24, with no online enrollment this year, she said. Enrollment packets were mailed Monday, Jackman said.

* A band camp on Aug. 29-31 for high school students with the new band teacher, Neva Rowland.

* Staff inservice is at 7:45 a.m. Sept. 1, with a focus on crisis management.