FSHS students organize mock wreck prior to prom
With end-of-school events coming up, Fort Scott Police Department School Resource Office Joe Allen and students in the Seat belts Are For Everyone (SAFE) program at Fort Scott High School have some messages to share.
Allen and members of the SAFE team have coordinated a mock fatal vehicle crash to take place at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Frary Field located north of the high school. Emergency vehicles will be set up and the group will run through the procedure for a fatality crash "from the 911 call to the end of the crash," Allen said.
Allen said there are two messages the group is emphasizing in conducting the event -- the consequences of impaired driving and awareness of seat belt use. He said the messages are not only aimed at FSHS students, "but also the community."
"The consequences of drunk driving is the main message and also in this scenario, someone will be ejected from the vehicle, so seat belt use is another message," he said. "We will start out with a 911 call we've recorded, then go into working the scene of the accident."
Allen said the group wants to discourage drunk driving by conveying the possible consequences.
"And it's two days before prom, that's the main reason we picked this Thursday," he said.
The timing of the event is also important with prom taking place Saturday and graduation ceremonies coming up May 14, Allen said.
"It will start getting warm and people will be getting out more," he said.
Allen said the event is open to the public.
"I'd love to see the stadium full. I guess we'll just wait and see," he said.
During the mock scenario, emergency response agencies including Mercy Hospital EMS, Fort Scott Fire Department, Fort Scott Police Department, the Bourbon County Sheriff's Office and the Kansas Highway Patrol will be involved with responding to the crash. A medical helicopter will also be on hand for transporting one victim of the crash. The intent is to also have a local funeral home available, Allen said.
"We will have one (occupant) life-flighted out," he said. "The funeral home will be there for the fatality."
Due to continued construction at the high school, Allen said parking will be a challenge but there should be areas near the high school where parking will be available.
"They can park on city streets around the area," he said. "They can also park at Buck Run and the city pool. That's somewhat close."
Allen said Ninth Street between Main and Scott streets will be cordoned off for the scenario. He said this is where emergency vehicles will locate and the "victim" will be air lifted from the scene. The helicopter will land on the north side of the football field.
Allen said SAFE students have rehearsed the scene and will be "acting their parts in the scenario." Allen is coordinating the event.
"I will make sure everybody is in the right place at the right time and that it all flows," he said.