Busy year ahead for USD 235 board
USD 235 Board of Education members will be busier than in the past few years as they head into the new year.
They are moving forward with the school improvement project that voters said yes to in April, and the superintendent/principal search which began last month.
Interim Superintendent Jan Hedges told the board at the monthly meeting Dec. 14 of her meeting recently with Greg Vahrenberg. Vahrenberg is a managing director with Piper Jaffray, an investment bank and asset management firm who is assisting with the general obligation bond project for the district.
The $2.5 million school bond project is for heating/air conditioning improvements at both the elementary and junior/senior high school and a new roof for the junior/senior high building according to an earlier Tribune report.
Knipp Equipment, Wichita, is the air conditioning contractor for the project. A-Lert Roof Systems, Erie, is the roof contractor.
Hedges has met with both of the contractors since taking the helm of the school district in late August.
"Mark Hartman and myself walked them through the buildings," Hedges said.
Hedges asked the contractors if they could still do the project within their submitted bids that took place 1 1/2 years ago.
"They both indicated we would still be OK," Hedges said. "But I would like that in writing from them."
The contractors as well a representative from Piper Jaffray will be asked to attend the next board meeting "to talk through the project," Hedges said.
Bond timeline
Vahrenberg updated Hedges on the financing analysis of the project during their meeting.
In an 18-page analysis document prepared for the board by Piper Jaffray, Hedges highlighted items of special interest to the board.
According to the timeline in the report, the district is in the bond sale process stage and on Jan. 12 the bond rating request will be sent to the rating agency. A bond rating agency is a company that assesses the creditworthiness of both debt securities and their issuers, according to investopedia.com
In February, the bonds will be sold and the results of the bond sale will be given to the board of education. The board will then adopt a bond resolution. A bond resolution describes how much interest and principal will be paid to bondholders. It also describes when and how payments will be made, how bonds may be redeemed and what happens in the event of default, according to investopedia.com., and how the bond funds may be used.
A closing memorandum then will be prepared. A closing memorandum is a narrative used to interpret the clauses in a purchase and sale agreement after the deal has closed, according to divestopedia.com.
Investments of the bond proceeds will then be coordinated and a transcript will be submitted to the attorney general, according to the timeline.
In March, the bond issue will close and the proceeds invested.
The school's improvement work is slated for completion by the time USD 235 begins the next school year, Hedges said.
Superintendent/principal search
Dr. Howard Smith presented drafts to the board from recent USD 235 focus groups he facilitated.
Smith, a professor of leadership studies at Pittsburg State University is facilitating the search for the new superintendent/principal.
"My role is to lead the search with assistance from Bart (Swartz) and Steve (Parsons)," Smith told the Tribune. "Initially, Greenbush was contacted to see if they assisted in superintendent searches."
Swartz and Parsons recommended Smith as a possibility to lead the search for USD 235.
"Greenbush does a lot of work with current superintendents," Smith said, "provides training for aspiring superintendents and have contacts in many school districts. Utilizing their expertise is very valuable in the process and well as vetting the candidates."
Smith gave the board several draft documents based on responses he received from both the board and the USD 235 focus groups.
From the responses, he had created a qualifications list with accompanying questions to ask potential applicants. He also had a draft of the application for the superintendent/principal position and a timeline for the board.
At next months board meeting on Jan. 11, there will be a first consideration of applications for the board, then finalists will be determined and reference checks will be conducted. Interviews for the dual position will take place Jan. 18-22. The plan is to have a decision on a new superintendent/principal by Jan. 25, according to the timeline.
"To date I've had 10 inquiries, seven from out of Kansas," Smith said. "A couple have ties to this area."
Smith told the board they need to decide the salary and benefits piece as their next step in the hiring process.
"We'll get the compensation range, relocation expenses, health and retirements benefits to you," Matt Wood, board chair, said.
There will need to be a guide for the tour of the school district for potential finalists, Smith said. It could be a school board member or a staff member, he said.
Other business:
* The board approved to accept the annual audit report from Diehl Banwart Bolton, CPA.
* Candace Jobe was hired as an instructional aide at West Bourbon Elementary School to replace Tasha Fox who resigned effective Nov. 16.
* West Bourbon Elementary School Principal Tyler Jackman gave a security update, and said he would have a presentation in Feburary for the board. He has three quotes for security equipment he said.
* A party was held Dec. 16 for children who sold a required amount for the annual elementary school fundraiser.
* Polar Express Day was held Dec. 17 at WBE.
* Jackman said 74 percent of students at WBE are at their goal, following DIBELS reading progress testing.
* At the WBE Site Council meeting recently Jackman met with parents.
* Representatives from the Pleasanton school district, USD 344, have been to WBE two times since this school year began to see how the district has been implementing Kansas Multi-Tier System of Supports Jackman said. This program seeks to help students achieve high standards in academics.
* A quick-breakfast option is under consideration for students who arrive at WBE after 7:50 a.m. Jackman said.
* Hedges reported that teachers have been working on science curriculum standards for the district.
* Hedges said letters will be sent out to parents of students who had physical damage to their school-provided computers, and money will be due to allow the student to use the computer further.
* A recent fire marshall report to the high school revealed items that needed corrections.
One correction needed was the junior/senior high school has not been having tornado drills. Hedges had a drill this month and will continue starting in the new year.
* Career Technical Education courses were discussed. Hedges and board member Jason Sutterby had attended recent meetings with five school districts and three community colleges to discuss how to provide courses for their students to prepare them for future jobs. The board indicated an interest in continuing conversations about collaborations with the other entities.
* A USD 235 Summer Transportation Waiver was provided for board approval. They approved the Kansas Association of School Board's EDAA Policy which included the waiver.
* There was a 20-minute executive session for the superintendent evaluation, with no action following.